Sunday, April 12, 2015

Project is almost finished !

Zac and CJ had some old cupboards - they worked out just perfect !
The fridge was free from Morgan Moms, and will be so great to keep salads and icecream cold/frozen while we are down having fun at the Property. 
Tagg and his AVATAR stick - earth, wind, water,fire :)
Rog, cutting tile - Tagg is learning !
Mom and I cleaned all of the cupboards, which were kind of dusty. 
At one point, Thatcher smacked Treyson on the head - HARD with a big stick.  Here is the, "I'm Sorry". 
The Drivers............
........the riders
Putting up the last of the tile - Now only the grout is left, along with setting the sink and toilet.
And - GLORIOUS DAY !!  The wood pile (15 years worth) is all split and MOVED !! Yahoo !!  Treyson stacked the wood so carefully, so we got it done faster, with less loads.
Great helpers !
Cleaning up the left over wood - junk bark, etc. 
A little swinging  of course
Later we looked down from the shop, and the FIRE had started all by itself ! !?!
The fireman - tried to put it out..............
But it was a losing batte :)
We got Grandpa's greenhouse fixed up.
These two NEED HAIRCUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Playing - Thatcher and Grandpa Roger
Trying to get a sliver out - didn't work (see video at top of page, under FAMILY VIDEOS)
And last but not least - this is what happens when you try to put chap stick on, and it's been in the car, and it's hot......

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