Monday, December 12, 2016

JA-Biz Town

JA (or Junior Achievement) Biz (Business) Town

Explanation: (taken from article in 2012 Morgan County News)

JA stands for Junior Achievement which is the self proclaimed world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs. 

Junior Achievement has made it their mission to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy, and inspire they did. Although they were able to catch only a glimpse of the business world, the students were able to see how knowledge, creativity and team work creates such a boundless potential. 

Students got a taste of what life in the business world was like. Students had to work as an employee, they received paychecks and had to deposit (deposit slips and all) those paychecks before they could spend their money. Students had to make choices of where their money went and I think they felt what opportunity cost’ really means. In general, students learned about the basic flow of resources and how they relate to goods and services in a free market economy. To keep the students informed as well as offer advertisement to JA Biztown, business students ran and published JA’s own JA Deseret News as well as JA TV which was broadcast throughout this fictional city. 

Those who had received the job of CEO gave speeches at the town meeting letting students know what services could be had or purchased at their businesses. Students working as bank tellers were busy cashing checks or recording deposits for the 15 plus businesses. 

Treyson was able to participate in this last Friday, as the 5th grade traveled down to the Salt Lake Convention Center.  Treyson was CEO of RC Willey.  

Here is CEO, Mr. Rich giving his speech !
What a fun day he had.  So glad for these opportunities. 

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