Sunday, August 11, 2013

Property Fun

We went to the property today and had a great time.  The wind has AGAIN done a number, and there are so many branches and twigs down all over the place.  I'm stressed that mom and dad are going to kill themselves trying to get it all picked up for the Tonks Family reunion next Saturday.  We tried to help pick up as much as we could, but it's a mess. 

I'm so grateful for Roger D.  He is always there to support me and my extended family.  He's the chief cooker, and he's such a good person, and a great grandpa, and is a quiet hard worker.  I love him so much. 

Tagg loves to cheese for the camera  - He's a cutie

Zac and his boys :)

CJ had to work, and Zac was on Daddy Duty.  He is a great dad and takes good care of his boys.

Tagg took this picture.  It's of the old zip line and pulley.  We took it down today, after 12 years, and are working on getting another one in place.  I went into the river to retrieve the pulley.  THAT was an experience.  I'm getting chicken in my old age :)

Here is Zac doing a "Mommy Do" - I told him since he's not my honey, we couldn't call it a Honey Do.  There is an old stump, that had been cut off years ago.  It was very uneven, and I wanted it evened out - so he did it !

Looks great, huh?  I told the kids I'd give them $10.00 if they would dare to jump off the stump into the creek.  I still have my $10.00  :)

Here is where we are going to put the Zip line.  It will go across the creek, and down the creek towards Morgan about 150 feet.  We are really excited to get this going !

See - I told you.  He's a cheeser :)

Some crazy Grandma got in and floated down with the boys.  Funny - they flattened out and stayed on top of the water with their lifejackets.  I kept DRAGGIN' BOTTOM (literally).  

I guess if you are going to cheese it up, it's a good thing you are photogenic like your daddy !

Here we come - getting closer !!  This is Treyson's 2nd time.  I sat in the middle of the creek and waited for him to come around again. 

Seriously - I should have removed my glasses.  It's a wonder I didn't lose them.  The hardest part was getting STOOD UP so I could get out of the creek.  I thought Roger D. was going to have to get the backhoe and get me out.  As it was, he just about died laughing on the creek bank as Treyson (bless his heart) worked to get me upright.  Too funny !!

Kacey and Payson came up and surprise surprise !!  He got into Grandma Carol's permanent markers !!  He's going to get his fair share of looks on the plane tomorrow (today!!  It's after 12 am) as they head back to the Philippines. 

Nothing like getting soaking wet (Tagg and Thatcher) and then playing in the sand (YUCK)!  They had a great time :)

Treyson had quite the dilemma today.  He wanted that $10.00 SO BADLY - but just couldn't muster up enough courage to jump off the cut off stump into the river.  One of these days he will, I'm SURE of it.  

All BOY !

I should have started counting at the beginning to see just how many times they went UP and DOWN.  They LAUGHED and GIGGLED, and PUSHED and PULLED, and CRASHED and BURNED.  It was fun to watch. 

Then they started on the SWINGS !

WE are sure going to miss you guys - but we know Daddy will be SO VERY HAPPY to have you HOME !!

When we got home from the Property, Roger noticed that LAST NIGHT, some CRITTER tried to get into our HOUSE !!!  We ALWAYS leave this back door open at night, but last night it was CLOSED - THANK GOODNESS !!  OMHeck.  We will NEVER leave it open again - EVER !!

Kacey and Pays came up one last time tonight to say Good-bye.  This is one of  Payson's FAMOUS HUGS!!  It will most likely be FOUR LONG MONTHS before we see them again.  Hope it goes FAST !

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