Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Here are Billy (in back), Sam (a blur in front), and Miss Piggy (always eating). Poor Miss Piggy was getting seriously bullied by our new little black pigmy goat yesterday morning.  I'm not sure why.  Things have been calm and good for the last two weeks since Mylee was delivered to our home.  She wasn't a very friendly goat and she had horns, but all seemed well until I left for work yesterday.  I noticed that there was a scuffle going on in the barnyard.  Mylee was definately in heat (Billy was going crazy), and Mylee was putting her head down and trying to hook Miss Piggy over and over.  Miss Piggy was definately NOT the instigator, and Mylee wouldn't leave her alone.  I managed to get a leash around Mylee, and she spent the day alone in the dog run.  I posted on KSL and Morgan Classified - FREE goat, and by 3pm I had a taker.  Thank goodness, we don't need the drama in our barnyard, and poor Miss Piggy had a couple of big scrapes on her ample sides that drew blood.....we can't have that !  She has grown so much the past year.  I'm sure she is over 100 pounds now.  We love her.   She has become so much more friendly, and she will let you scratch her back. 

Our daily egg gathering nets us about 13-14 eggs.

Brick is growing.  Next week we can stop the milk feedings, and get him fixed.  He will be 2 months old on the 17th. He was born on St. Patrick's Day.

The turkeys are growing too.  They are getting uglier and uglier (haha).  Their heads are pink and bald, and they sure make a different noise than the chickens.  They hang together, usually with the ducks.  I was hoping at least one of them was a TOM, but I think they are both females :(

I wish the ducks were friendlier, but they are really stand-offish.   They make the biggest racket.  Hopefully we can get the little wading pool set up soon, and put a sprinkler out there to turn on occasionally.  Our fellow farmers 7 miles down the road, say they really like the sprinklers, and I believe it because when I went out last night to shut up Roger's girls, it was pouring, and you could tell the ducks were loving it :)

I took this picture last night, right before the downpour.  Can you spot the rainbow?  It was much brighter, but had started to fade, even as I was getting my camera out.  BTW, I use my phone as my camera, almost exclusively.  Am I the only one doing this, or is this the NEW thing?

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