Monday, March 17, 2008

High Five's

5 years ago I was...2003.........hmmmmm. Zac was head over heals in love with CJ, planning on proposing to her (April 2003). They were married in August 2003. Landon would have been a Freshman, and of course it's baseball season, so we would have been supporting him there. Manda was in Arizona, I think maybe in the process of buying her home. Here is an exerpt from my journal. March 14, 2003 - Roger and I went to Vernal for Landon to compete in club wrestling. While there, I was able to go to the Vernal temple. It is an old chapel which has been converted to a temple. It was smaller than other temples I have gone to. It was SPECIAL. March 18 – went with the YW down to “White Elegance” – a bridal store in Layton. The girls tried on temple dresses. Baseball has started – Landon is on the Freshman team, and Roger is helping to coach with Barclay Earl.

5 months ago I was... Taking Landon to the MTC - on this very day - October 17, 2007

5 hours ago I work....reading Landon's latest email he sent :)

5 minutes ago I was...sitting here at my computer, perusing blogs - My name is Gwen, and I'm a blog-stalker.....

5 things on my to-do list today... 30 minutes aerobics, read my scriptures, mail taxes to Kevin (keeping our fingers crossed), get something accomplished at work, READ Landon's EMAIL !!

5 recent pieces of mail I've received... 20% off coupon from Bed, Bath & Beyond (I never shop there - too expensive), Landon's hardcopy letter, Morgan County News (we subscribe), a reimbursement check from Roger's work, a sponser letter from Morgan Baseball (Go Trojans!)

5 things I would do if I became a billionaire...Pay my tithing, Get out of debt, get my kids out of debt, buy Manda and Cam a new home in Arizona, Donate to others (Gwen's BIG GIVE !!)

5 of my bad habits...Procrastinating, sitting in front of my computer too much, not hanging up my clothes, letting food spoil in the fridge, biting my nails

5 good memories...Playing up at Grandma Dickson's with my cousins, the playhouse my dad built us kids, the airplane tire, camping trips, Subway hike.

5 films I watch over and over again...Silverado, Top Gun, Shawshank Redemption, Fried Green Tomatoes, Matrix

5 places I've lived...boring...... Morgan, Ogden, Richville (does that count as somewhere different?), North Morgan :), Milton (haha)

5 songs I love...Check out the songs on this blog. They are some of my favorites !

5 jobs I've had...waitress (Jay's Drive Inn & Round Valley Resort), meat-wrapper (Ray's Meats), Distributor (Trichem painting), Data Entry (Internal Revenue Service & Browning), Assessor/Appraiser (Morgan County)

5 things most people don't know about me...I hate bees (wait a minute - everyone KNOWS that), I have all my babies C-section, I was (am?) very smart (I got 4.0's in school),I've always wanted to be a nurse (dream, dream), I have kept a journal faithfully for many years

5 things in my virtual shopping bag...I don't really LIKE to shop, but I do love Ross's. If I could go in there ALONE - with tons of money, time, and have it not be crowded, I would be in HEAVEN.

5 books I love to death...Baby Island (I read this over 100 times when I was little), The Book of Mormon, Work & the Glory series, my brains tired.....I like ALOT of different books, but can't seem to come up with more that I LOVE TO DEATH.

5 things that are out of place in my house...Too many to count - Newspaper, books, water bottle, phone, camera, the list goes on and on... I'm a messy, cluttered, person.

5 films I want to see...(That I haven't already?) - that's hard, there is SO MUCH junk out there now. But I would like to see the Spiderwick Chronicles (is that what it's called?) Maybe the Bucket List (I love Jack Nicholsen), Secondhand Lions (I've never seen it), Cloverfield (if it's not rated R), and Mr. Magorium's Magical Emporium (I know that's not NOW you say it, but that's how it comes out of Cam's mouth :)

5 things I love to eat...Salmon (something new I found at Sam's Club), blueberries & bananas & 9-grain cooked cereal (every morning for breakfast!), Pizza (veggie), Shrimp Steak at Maddox (Bret & Gaylene turned me on to this - scrumptious !!)I've given up the WHITE BREAD - YEAH!!! But put a plate of warm (or cold) spaghetti pasta in front of me (I don't even need the sauce!) and a little cheese, and salt, and................

5 destinations I'm dying to see...Dying? Puhleeeze..... Peru, Europe, Carribean, Washington DC, New York

5 scents I love...Lilacs, Vanilla, Orange Ginger Energizer lotion (Thanks Annette!), baking cookies, hay that has just been cut in the summer

5 people (non-related) who have had a positive impact on my life...Annette, Lynelle, Susan, Penny, Amanda, Lorraine, Anna, Amy, and the list goes on and on...........

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