Saturday, March 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Ambure

Our first baby, Ambure, would have been 30 years old today. Can't believe how the years have passed by so quickly. Families are forever, and we will be with her again someday.

My sister wrote about Ambure in her blog, and I liked it so much that I have copied it here. Thanks KUK ! Love ya !

I took a little break in my masters homework today to write a little about my very first niece, Ambure. Today is her birthday, and she would have been thirty years old! Ambure is the daughter of my sister, Gwen and her husband, Roger. She was born on March 8, 1978 and died in a car accident on December 30, 1978.

She was a cutie, with lots of dark, wavy hair. She had a special spirit about her, and she hated when there was contention. She would begin to cry whenever my siblings and I were arguing or physically fighting. (We would sometimes start "pretend fighting" just to get a reaction from her.) She loved to sit in a cardboard box and be pushed or pulled across the kitchen floor. She loved to play in Grandma Dickson's bottom junk drawer with the wooden spoons, plastic spatulas, etc. I loved to tend her and play with her and just be around her. Needless to say, I was very sad when she passed away.

Throughout the years, I have often thought of Ambure! Especially on her birthday, the anniversary of her death, and Memorial Day when we place flowers on her grave. I often wonder what she would have been like; undoubtedly a lot like her little sister, Amanda (cute, smart, and very precocious)if she would be married by now, where would she live, would she have children, etc.

Ambure still holds a special place in our hearts! She is my parents first grandchild, and one of only three granddaughters! Her picture still hangs in their living room, alongside the other eleven grandchildren. Through the years as other pictures have been added with each new grandchild, then change as they grow older, Ambure's picture stays the same. A little faded, nonetheless, but still the same, reminding us of our "little angel" up in heaven that we will someday get to hold and play with again because "Families Are Forever"!

Someday, it will be fun to see her, my brother (Lance), and the others that have gone on before! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMBURE!

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