Friday, April 25, 2008

I know.... I know..... I forgot Thankful Thursday again. Well, I am thankful it is FRIDAY !! So let me ramble on about my day. Busy Busy. This morning Steph and I headed out to Mountain Green, to measure some buildings, and take a look at some houses. There is a new house in Cottonwood Hills Subdivision that is RED and Yellow - now before you say YUCK..... I really liked it !! I'll have to post the picture on this blog soon, and you can tell me if you like it. I got my hair recolored today. Amie is SUCH a great hair fixerupper. I need to take it easy on the flat iron though - I am using too hot of a setting, and going TOO slow, and I'm frying my hair.... We'll see if I can do better. This afternoon, we went up towards East Canyon to look at another home, or should I say LODGE...Hunting LODGE - this guy is a REAL hunter. I am NOT kidding when I list the things he had hanging on his walls....... Here is a list, NOT complete. Caribou, Elk, Zebra, Hippo, water buffalo, Pumba (warthog), sailfish, bobcat, pheasant, turkey, etc. etc. etc. Oh - an I forgot to mention the stuffed crocodile !!! I got pictures, I'll post soon. After work I picked Cam up because Manda had to work late. She and I had a fun time outside, and she climbed up (with my help) in our little tree out front. Then she ate about 12 strawberries, dipped in sugar. I hope she doesn't get a bellyache tonight. Roger came home from work with the flu. He's been chilling, and having a horrible headache, and he's been sleeping since 7pm. Also, Kacey brought over a tape that Landon had made, and I've been listening to it for the past hour. He sounds good. It's funny to hear him stumble over the English words. He's happy, and loving his work in the mission field. He sounded great. Only 17 more days until we hear him in person !!! Yahoo !!

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