Friday, September 4, 2020

Family Get Together

Last Sunday, we gathered at the Property.  It was so good to be together.   The little girls like to play in the sand.   Bexlee can't smile "cheese" without closing her eyes :) 

Landon thought he'd show Treyson some wrestling moves (Ha!)

My sister is always so sweet to my grandkids - Love her !

Woah!  Tagg just kicked the ball out from under Thatcher !  They sure had fun kicking it around.  

Who can swing the highest ?? 
Aaron and Erika

Down by the creek........ they played and fished and played some more. 

Then I got the whole fam dam there for a beautiful picture.  We missed completely that Bright had a sticker, right in the middle of her forehead !!
Back up to the garden we went, and proceeded to harvest enough corn for Kacey and Erika to process and freeze.  The kids had fun walking through the corn stalks, which were CLEAR up over their heads.  Kind of like being in a jungle.  

Landon held up a 20+ pound cabbage.  They are getting BIG !!

We shucked the corn, and bagged the cobs.  It's so much easier to do it outside, where it's not so messy.  all of the leftovers went to the goats, who LOVE to munch on the discarded outer layer

Bright just LOVED LOVED LOVED the worms, and carried it around, and petted it !  Can you believe it?  This girl loves BUGS and ANIMALS. 

I just love this picture.  Love how Pays is intently watching Roger, hanging on every word, hands in pockets, gaining wisdom !  HA!!  Roger was telling him about how deep the wet well was, and how it was filled with water, and how you wouldn't want to fall down in it..


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