Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Odds and Ends

My good friend Amy Jo - turned 50!  Can't believe that it was 2002 when we went on a cruise to celebrate her mom's 50th birthday !!  Where have the years gone.  Amy was surprised by her family and friends on March 7th in Richfield.  I wasn't able to go down, but Jenni did.  I'm sure glad she got to have this big surprise and celebration before all of this social distancing began !  Heck, on the 7th, we were all still blissfully unaware that our world was about to be turned upside down.   
This was my last day at the temple.  I'm sure missing it now.  Funny how when you can't attend things, or things are closed, and everyone's lives have changed, that you sure miss it even more.  
On St. Patrick's Day - - Janell's family stopped by the office to brighten everyone's spirits.  
Well, my tulips sure are HARDY !!  We thought we had them all DUG UP before we planted the sod.  NOT SO !!  Here there are, poking their pesky little sprouts up through the grass.  
We picked up a big brush attachment for the grasshopper last fall.  It has worked really well, at thatching the the old grass.   Rog puts on goggles, because it's quite a mess.  He is covered by the time he is finished.  
Later in the day we went down to the Property and started raking a little.  
Thatch and I drug this big limb down to the burn pile.  
Tagg made a TOTEM for the Tree house - A BIG "T" !!
Thatch wanted me to come up and check out what they had up there.    
Their treasure box, filled with treasures.   Snowmobile weights, keys, Jeep decal, poolstick, small brush  - fun stuff !!
A view of the creek. 

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