Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Just what we need, with all of this COVID 19 stuff !! I was at work, working.  I was sitting down, sorting through files.......... I thought I felt dizzy. Mitch also, thought he was dizzy at first. WOW - I've never felt an earthquake quite like that - EVER. I bolted for the Vault doorway, looking at the ceiling nervously, because I KNOW what is in the ceiling. Massive cement beams, that span the width of the building, being held up by the outside walls, and the two bearing hall walls. After the shaking which seemed to go on for minutes (when it was actually only seconds), we headed out the front doors to stand on the steps. Everyone had phones pressed to their ears, of course calling our loved ones. "Are you OKAY? Did you feel that?" 5.7 Earthquake, centered in Magna. The only other two earthquakes I've ever felt, I didn't even know that they were earthquakes at the time I was experiencing them. Once back in the 70's I was in the old movie theater (Chicken Inn), and thought someone was drumming their feet on the back on my chair. The other was a few years ago (2010), I was on top of the parking structure at the Ogden Temple sitting in my car, and felt a rumbling, and saw a car drive by, and thought it was just the vibration from the passing car.  In both of these instances, I heard about the earthquake later, and realized what I had felt.  In talking with Landon, I asked him if he had felt one this big (5.7) in Peru, and he said NO ! They weren't as big as the one he felt today (March 18, 2020). We soon meandered our way back in the building, and within the hour, someone came in, saying they had just sent all of the school teachers home, because FEMA said we were going to get a 9+ Earthquake within THE HOUR !!!!! That was unsettling news, but it soon proved to be just an unfounded rumor. YOU CAN'T PREDICT EARTHQUAKES. A little later, I went to the bank, and the run on the gas stations had already begun. This HOARD mentality is NOT GOOD !!
Erika and you know, lives in Magna.  Here are some pictures in her house.
See the BLUE DOT towards the bottom?  That is where Erika and Aaron live, compared to the RED DOTS where the Earthquake's epicenter was.  

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