Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First Day - First Grade

Camryn had a great day yesterday. Her teacher is a "Mr." (I can't remember his last name), and she thinks he will be great ! She sounded so happy tonight on the phone.

She called us, and we missed the call, so when we called back she was leaving a message. Here is what the message said, "Hi Grandma, sorry I missed you, please call me back, YOU ARE THE BEST!, so is Grandpa, be sure and tell him, I love you guys !" How can you not just MELT when hearing those words?

When we finally made contact, she said, "Oh Grandma, I apologize for hanging up on you!, I'm using my mom's phone, and I'm just not familiar with it", and then later when I was asking her about her cute black and gold shirt, I was asking if it was fish or dolphins (in gold), and she said, and I quote, "I actually don't know what it is Grandma, I only know that when I saw it, I thought 'I have GOT to have that shirt' it is FABULOUS !!"

She is something else !!

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