Thursday, August 28, 2008

I haven't done this for a few weeks, and I thought it was about time. It's not that I'm not thankful for things, it's just that life gets in the way sometimes I guess.

*I am so grateful that I can attend the temple. I went on Tuesday night, and I just can't express how blessed I feel, to be able to go inside.

*I am so grateful to be a missionary mom. I treasure this time in my life.... only 14 more months, and it will be over. That will be a hard thing to see come to an end. I will be forever grateful that my son chose to keep a covenant that he made before he came to this earth.

*I am so grateful that Amanda and Camryn are doing so well in Arizona. I know it is through the power of prayer (from many people) that they have adjusted so well, especially Cam. She called Roger tonight, and was SOOOOOOOOO excited - "Only TWO more days Grandpa!"

*I am so grateful that we have the means to travel down to Arizona once more. We leave Friday night, and will be there through Labor Day. Cam's not the only one who is excited :)

1 comment:

Stacy said...

You gotta love LONG weekends. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend in AZ. Give Cam a big ole lovin from all of us (and take way too many pictures!)

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