Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Working Hard

Watered garden (me and Rog), cut down branches from tree near burn pile(me and Rog), and piled them on the burn pile, Filled hole in Mom's lawn with dirt (me), moved trailer to our barnyard (Roger) , mowed Zac's lawn (Roger and Zac), blew off everything (me), trimmed trees and bushes and cleared weeds at Zac's, (me)  cut down weeds in the bottom of the garden (me and Rog), poisoned voles in our yard (me and Rog) Hauled big trough from Zac's to our barnyard,(me and Rog)weed-eat (Zac and Roger).  Hooked up trailer to Ranger, and piled more dead thistle from our barnyard on it, and hauled it over to the burn pile (me).  Made a macaroni salad (me), and had a quick meal at the property, THEN I got in the pool.  It was a busy busy day, and I was exhausted.  Slept good that night for sure :) 


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