Saturday, July 20, 2024

Our July so far....

We cut down all of the thistle in the barnyard, and hauled them to the burn pile.  I sure wish we had a nice green grassy barnyard like others I've seen............  Hopefully we can stay on top of it next year (the weeds) and get some water on it, and plant more pasture grass (we tried once before and failed). 
See that little white line in my ear?  I'm trying out hearing aids.  We'll see how THAT goes.............
My go to breakfast in the mornings...........SO SO yummy !! 
I've cut the sugar and white flour for a month.  Feeling really good ! 
Picked a fair amount of peas from our sad garden, and made some new potatoes and peas for dinner.   Pretty yummy !!
Went to the knee doctor (Sorenson's PA - Blake), and he took x-rays and nothing is ripped or torn or broken, just "Ol Arthur" !! under my right kneecap.  He gave me a shot of cortisone, and told me I need to start riding a bike or something to strengthen my quads ( I know they are weak).  I had just happened to see this nice recumbent bike on Morgan Moms for FREE (though Roger did have to drive to Mountain Green to pick in up in the truck.  I've been riding it 3 times a day, for 15 minutes each time, and between this and the cortisone shot I feel like a new woman !!! 


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