Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Girlfriend Luncheon

We met at the Property, everyone brought salads, and Vicki brought Milk Barn Creamery Ice Cream !  We had a fun three hours, reminiscing, and enjoying each other's company.  Funny how alot of we talked about was our growing older ailments, and who was at the "Tree", and who had died.........   
The oldest was 66, and the youngest was 59.  Most of us have about 10-11 grandkids, and the least amount was 3 grandkids, and the most was Vicki with 20+  Life is good :)  

Left to Right:
Me (Gwen) in foreground, Debby Kinsey, Vicki Rose (in back), and Annette Prescott(in back)
Crouching:  Wendy Waldron, Carol Wilkinson, Jill Judd, Gaylene Kimbal, and Janene Walker.

We are the "Old" Snowmobile/Hiker group. Oh the adventure we have had.  


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Working Hard

Watered garden (me and Rog), cut down branches from tree near burn pile(me and Rog), and piled them on the burn pile, Filled hole in Mom's lawn with dirt (me), moved trailer to our barnyard (Roger) , mowed Zac's lawn (Roger and Zac), blew off everything (me), trimmed trees and bushes and cleared weeds at Zac's, (me)  cut down weeds in the bottom of the garden (me and Rog), poisoned voles in our yard (me and Rog) Hauled big trough from Zac's to our barnyard,(me and Rog)weed-eat (Zac and Roger).  Hooked up trailer to Ranger, and piled more dead thistle from our barnyard on it, and hauled it over to the burn pile (me).  Made a macaroni salad (me), and had a quick meal at the property, THEN I got in the pool.  It was a busy busy day, and I was exhausted.  Slept good that night for sure :) 


Monday, July 22, 2024


When they first added the water to the pool, I believe it was about 50 degrees
After they got back from Disneyland, they took off the pool cover, and the temperature had increased to 85 degrees !!  
Thatch got in for a very little bit - still recovering from his tonsillectomy :(
Zac has started the platform/deck building process. 


I even got in last Saturday evening !!! 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Our July so far....

We cut down all of the thistle in the barnyard, and hauled them to the burn pile.  I sure wish we had a nice green grassy barnyard like others I've seen............  Hopefully we can stay on top of it next year (the weeds) and get some water on it, and plant more pasture grass (we tried once before and failed). 
See that little white line in my ear?  I'm trying out hearing aids.  We'll see how THAT goes.............
My go to breakfast in the mornings...........SO SO yummy !! 
I've cut the sugar and white flour for a month.  Feeling really good ! 
Picked a fair amount of peas from our sad garden, and made some new potatoes and peas for dinner.   Pretty yummy !!
Went to the knee doctor (Sorenson's PA - Blake), and he took x-rays and nothing is ripped or torn or broken, just "Ol Arthur" !! under my right kneecap.  He gave me a shot of cortisone, and told me I need to start riding a bike or something to strengthen my quads ( I know they are weak).  I had just happened to see this nice recumbent bike on Morgan Moms for FREE (though Roger did have to drive to Mountain Green to pick in up in the truck.  I've been riding it 3 times a day, for 15 minutes each time, and between this and the cortisone shot I feel like a new woman !!! 


Friday, July 19, 2024

Arizona happenings

Cam and Josiah's kitties. 
Cam and Manda and Therese went to an AJR concert. 

Click here for a sample of their music. 
Carson took Cash to "Giggles", and they had a great time.  


Thursday, July 18, 2024

From FUN to this !!

Got home Sunday night, and early Monday morning, THIS !! 


Home resting up this week...........
No mowing for Thatcher !!! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Get-a-way, Disney style

On the road.  They left Wednesday night, and drove to St. George and stayed.  Then up early the next morning, headed for Anaheim.  
First off they went to the ocean, but there were alot of rip tides, and they didn't get in more than a little bit.  
Then on to Disneyland !!  
They had such a great time !!!
Glad they could go. 


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Cardiac Catheterization aka Angiogram, then turned into Angioplasty (stent inserted)

Yesterday I went in for a Cardiac Catheterization.  The doctor is checking for blockages in my arteries in my heart, as the PET scan I had done last month showed there were some problems.  I had my first heart attack in January 2017, and had 5 stents placed.  I've been on medication since that time.  Hopefully he'll be able to determine what needs to be done going forward.  

 UPDATE : Well, he found a partial blockage in my LAD artery !  Scary reading about this below........

Picture above - home resting last night about 6pm. 

I arrived yesterday at the hospital a 7am, and went back in for the Catheterization (turned into an angioplasty when the stent was placed) at about 8:30am.  Was out of the procedure at 9:30 am.  Had to lay flat for 2 hours, then could sit up (but not get up out of bed) for another 4 hours.  3:30 pm, was able to get up and walk a little bit and go to the bathroom.  Roger picked me up at 5:30 pm.  They don't put you out during the procedure.  Just give you some nice relaxing drugs (Versed, Fentanyl, Valium),  At one point during the procedure, I asked Dr. Harb if he was in my heart (at that point), and he said, "Yes, can you feel it?" and I confirmed that I could feel something, though it didn't hurt.  
Picture of the blockage (doesn't really look like much here)......but in the picture below........
Sure looks a lot better with the stent in, huh? 

Dr. Harb also checked my other stents from 2017, and said they look great.  I've been on high cholesterol medicine since then, and even though I've put on weight (and haven't been eating the best), I'm surprised that another blockage occurred.......   Another thing that concerned me, is that when the heart cath techs and nurses heard that I had previous stents 7 years ago, they acted like they were surprised that they had lasted 7 years, and that maybe fixing them/replacing them wasn't surprising (this was before the procedure).  I thought they were supposed to last forever !?!?!   Definitely some things I need to discuss with Dr. Harb at my follow-up appointment. 

The thing that really surprised me with this blockage, is how different the symptoms were compared to the 2017 blockage.  Totally different symptoms.

2017 - upper arms felt like they were going to explode (like when a blood pressure cuff is on tight), and also my back really hurt. 
2024 - Weird breathing when exerting myself about 130bpm......... strange ! No other pains at all. 

I'm grateful for modern medicine, and I totally like and trust Dr. Tariq Harb, and I love his PA, Linda. 

I'm taking it easy today, but should be able to resume normal activities soon.   

Friday, July 12, 2024

Splash Time at the Rich Ranch



Now if they can just get the pool warm !  Check out this Video

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Arizona Family

Cash enjoyed his FIRST movie night in a theater.  Manda said he did SO WELL !!


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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