Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How does our garden grow?

Some of the corn stalk are 7 feet tall now, and we've got corn coming on like crazy.  It has been so yummy to have some every night for dinner.  

We are still watering twice a week.

Here's our early morning watering last Friday.  Take a look at that sun, all muted by the smoky skies blowing in from California.  

The pumpkins (most of them) are turning orange, and doing so well.  
We are going to have an awesome HARVEST party here in about a month or so.  I can hardly wait.   We have all of the grandkids come up, and the vines have been touched by the frost, and we cut the squash and pumpkins off, and load them in the trailer, and then we gather in the shop for rolls and chicken noodle soup.  It is a highlight for me. I hope it is for them. 

The cabbages are growing so big.  Dad cut two smaller ones last night.  The bigger ones are bigger than basketballs !!  

Cucumbers are doing well, and keeping me fed.  I gather them about once a week, and slice them all up in to my favorite cucumber salad.  There are three different varieties here. 

If these ROMA tomatoes ever ripen, we will be in TOMATO HEAVEN.  Some of the other tomatoes have started to turn, and I am eating tons of tomatoes every day. 

Look at this fun pump'KEMON - That's the variety (KEMON) So fun, we've never had ones like this before. 

I've planted Ghost pumpkins for the past 3 years, and this is the only year they have grown.  I have TWO big ones, all white !!

This is a CINDERELLA'S CARRIAGE pumpkin.  So fun. 

This is a BIG MAC - and it has even grown more since I took this picture.  They sure get huge, but they lay on their side, and are kind of misshapen. 

The BLUE HUBBARDS are HUGE - I bet they are 30+ pounds each. 

I should have a before (May) picture and now this - it's amazing how they grow and grow and take over. 

These cute little pumpkins are about the size of a big softball - there are only about 6 on the vine, but they will be so fun for the little girls. 

Then we have the Jack -be- Littles, which in the past have been bright orange, but this year they are all white !!  

These few Zinnias make me sad.  If it hadn't have frozen, we would have a WHOLE ROW peaking out from behind the variegated iris. 

I PICKED A POUND (not a PECK) of (banana) PEPPERS.......which I then PICKLED !!! 

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