Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Happy Birthday to my Dad - with a surprise Heirloom Radio Restoration

This is a 1939 Zenith (9-S-367 Console Radio    
It was my Grandpa and Grandma Dickson's radio, and I remember as a little girl, playing with the fun spinning dial, and pushing the buttons, in the "back bedroom" of their home.  I never remember it working though.  After they died, my dad got it, and was always going to get it fixed up  and working himself.  He had the knowledge, being an electrical engineer.  As things tend to happen, it never got done, and now with his Parkinson's and failing eyesight, I knew it never would.

It was eventually moved to the shop, with an old sheet covering it.  Dusty and forgotten, I would occasionally look at it with sadness. Then I had an idea..........  What if I could fix it up?  How hard could it be?    Well, it turns out - pretty hard.  But I found "a guy" in Salt Lake (small miracle) - and within a matter of a couple of weeks, he had it FIXED and WORKING !!

He has restored 4 (5 now) of this exact model, and he said this was by far the best sounding, and best shape he's ever worked on.  He said it was a PLEASURE to work on such a good old radio.

Me being me - I couldn't wait till the 29th to give it to Dad on his 83rd birthday.  So about a week early, on the day we picked it up from Salt Lake, we took it to their home, and turned it on. Surprise, Surprise.  Dad was very pleased.  

Happy 83rd birthday dad........... with an 81 year old family heirloom radio to keep you company.  Love YOU !!

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