Monday, October 16, 2017

Pouring Cement

Zac has started the mow strip around his yard.  He was hoping for an early start, but the cement (you pour) place wouldn't start up until it was at least 45 degrees.  I think they headed for the first "yard" at about 10:30 am. 
Zac had enough formed up to pour 2 yards.............or so he thought. 
When CJ walked across the yard, I did a double take !
She got her hair cut (for the first time in a year) and colored.  It's super cute. 
Mom and Dad (Grandpa and Grandma D) came to help.  Dad commented that they had been doing this for 50 years.  YUP, since 1967, when they did all the cement work at their old place (where I grew up).  I remember for sure, waking up in the mornings in the summer on a Saturday, to the sound of the cement mixer going out front.  Grandpa Reed Dickson would be shoveling gravel into the machine, and getting it mixed with the cement and water.  Dad would be wheelbarrowing it and dumping, and Mom would be tamping, raking, tapping with a hammer.  Dad would then finish it up.  Good memories.  Who would have thought that 50 years later (2017), they would be helping their grandson do some of the same things.  They are amazing.  It ended up that Zac needed 2.75 yards instead of 2, but he got all of it done that he had formed.  It was a little much for one guy to finish, and he wasn't too happy with it.  He's a perfectionist.  Unfortunately he had to miss Tagg's game in order to get it all done. 
Tagg was disappointed that they lost their 2nd playoff game - 18 to 12 in double overtime.  A sad way to end the season, darnit !!.  Zac tried to cheer him up.   

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