Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saturday Soccer and Supper

Treyson  is in the back in blue - he enjoys soccer, but is not what you would call a "go getter" - he mainly hangs back, and defends when needed.
It was a cold blustery day

Grandma Gwen and Thatch - all bundled up, trying to stay warm

Mr.  Smiley

Taggarino - Soccer Player extraordinnaire

Grandma Shirlee, trying to keep Thatch happy

Treyson, getting ready to watch Tagg's game
Tagg has a different personality than Treyson - you had better stay OUT OF HIS WAY !

Later that night we all went to Red Robin for supper to celebrate Grandma Rich's birthday

Pictures aren't the best  - but here are Kayla, Taylor, and Autumn
Thatcher in his make-shift high chair

Treyson, Zac, and Tagg

David, Caitlin, Terri, Nicole, Darrin (on left) - Nathan, Sydney, Bruce (on right)

Bruce, Sydney, Linda (with CJ in the background)

Love the cheese sticks !!

J.P., Trapper, Megan and K.P.
Sorry I didn't get a picture of everyone - the other pictures didn't turn out very good at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eproaiIt was a fun night. Love my family so much. Grandma Rich

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