Sunday, December 5, 2010

Worth Watching - I loved it !

I loved this, I don't know why but it really struck a chord, and I was in tears before it was over. It made me think of many things, some of which were; Ordinary people, respect, remember the TRUE meaning of the season. As I watched the people, both the singers and the on-lookers, I saw at first, confusion of the recipients, happiness and pride of those delivering the message, respect by those who KNEW to stand, very very few indifferent people who either had no idea what the message was, or didn't care and kept on eating their meal. Enjoyment and wonder, and joining in and participation of those who I don't think were in on the staging of the event. Come on - we all know so many of the words, I would have started singing too ! I am so thankful for my Savior,the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here's the MOTAB version - a little faster and upbeat.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

That is amazing! What a neat thing and very moving.

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