Thursday, June 5, 2008

I am thankful for good friends. Last night, we went to dinner with Annette and Roger P. We haven't done that for a long time. Life gets in the way sometimes. We went to Taggarts, and afterwards went to Envision Morgan at the middle school. Even though we may not see each other very often, or talk on the phone for awhile, it seems when we get together, it's just clicks. We have had alot of fun over the years. Roger P. and Roger D. (that's what we call my Roger) are the same age........ Let's see it looks like it will be a MAJOR milestone this year. We won't go into details, but let's just say the 1/2 of a century is a BIG DEAL :) Annette and I are a year apart, we me being the "more mature" of the two. We all grew up in Morgan, and attended High School together, but we didn't become friends until we moved into our "house on the hill" in 1986. Since that time, we've experienced babies being born (Landon, Karly, Blake), sisters dying, kids graduating, moms dying, grandparents dying, kids getting married, having grandbabies, kids buying houses, kids moving away, US moving from next door neighbors, to 7 miles apart....... the list goes on and on. Boy, the last 22 years have brought on many changes when you think about it, but we can still pick up the phone and talk, and share, and laugh, and catch up. If you were to guess, what do you think the NUMBER ONE topic of conversation that Annette and I have had over the years would be................?? Call me later today, Annette - I bet you hit the nail on the head !! I can hear you laughing now !

1 comment:

Tiburon said...

Hooray for friends!

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