Monday, June 9, 2008

A Walk To Remember...........

Hey - wasn't that the name of a movie ? (haha)

Sunday afternoon, Roger and I took a walk on the "Mickelson Mile" aka the river walkway. Here are some pics.

It was a beautiful day - with a nice cool breeze. I can't believe we were the ONLY ones out for a walk. Didn't see anyone else at all.The Weber River is running a little high. It is a nice walk along side of it.
I brought along some stale buns, and sure enough, the ducks were there, and came a paddling.............
I appreciate the crop Roger (haha) That's my good husband :)
He'll even pose (reluctantly) for a photo with the beautiful "M" in the background.
Crossing over to the other side of the river, you can see Riverside Park. This is where Treyson and I played the other day, and watched the bikers.Can you believe they tore down the old Bicentennial Stage? I have heard they are putting in a new bowery to replace it. It was never used.
It was a great walk.

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