Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008

I thought about posting my regular Thankful Thursday picture, and changing the post date to last night at 11pm.............but then I thought, what the heck - it's Friday, it is what it is, and I'm a flake :)
Last night I went to the temple. First, I came home after work, changed into a dress, drove to Ogden, and made a stop at Sam's club to drop of digital picture files. These are pics of Landon, that I need to get sent off to him soon.
Then I went to Summit Sports, where my plan was to buy some Leki walking poles........... I had spoken to a kid earlier on the phone, who assured me that they had these poles, and they were cheaper than I could get them online.........well he was wrong. Wrong kind of poles, Wrong about the price, Wrong Wrong Wrong. So - I will NOT be walking this morning with my new poles, but I WILL be ordering them today online. I know I will look like a GEEK with these poles, walking around Morgan. I'm sure to get a few stares, but oh well.
So back to my temple story. I went to the temple, and enjoyed it very much. Mom and Dad were working there, and I got to visit with them. When I walked out of the temple, there was this little family by the fountain. They had just been sealed together for time and all eternity. They looked so happy. They were a young couple,with three little boys, maybe one about 3 years old, and the other two looked like twins about 8-9 months. The sky was beautiful, and it wasn't too hot, and as I walked to my car, I just thought how beautiful everything was..... even downtown Ogden, which is saying something :)
When I got to my car, my phone was ringing, and it was my sister Erika. She informed me that she had FOUR tickets to the 24th of July concert with the Osmonds and the MoTAB... and I can have TWO of them ! So, who wants to go with me ?? It think Roger would rather be shot, so I'm not even going to ask him (haha) . Maybe I should have my very FIRST BLOG GIVEAWAY !! My blogging buddy Tiburon, is always having contests on her blog, and entering contests on other blogs, and today she finally WON! Anyway, if you want to go with me - give me a comment on this post. HAHA - I know I won't get any one ever comments. That's okay - I'm a blogstalker who never comments either :)
Well, I digress......... On the way home from the temple, I yakked my head off. Erika, Roger, Zac, CJ, and finally Annette - who is my all time favorite person to talk to on the phone, and I don't talk on the phone that much.
Well, so much for my ramblings on. Here are some pictures below that I took of my niece Tiana and her family. She starred in "The Big Bad Musical" at the Magna Empress Theatre this past weekend. We went down and watched her on Monday night. It was so funny. I really enjoyed it. She is growing up so much ! She will be a Sophomore at Cypress High School in Magna this next school year. She is so smart, and loves to sing and act. I wish we could see Erika and her family more often. They are headed off of a big adventure back east in a week or so. They'll visit Kirtland, Nauvoo, Palmyra, etc. etc. etc........ Sounds like fun to me !
Lance doesn't like to be in pictures, and I didn't make him :)
She was a court reporter, reporting on the trial of the Big Bag Wolf
Three Little Pigs
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Finally , some pictures

Monday, June 23, 2008
I promise - I'll get busy !!
I am slacking on the posting and picture department. I have tons of pics I need to post. I'll get busy, hopefully by tomorrow. I am going to see my niece in the "Big Bad Musical" tonight in Magna, at the Empress Theatre. Also, it's my sister's birthday today......... Let's see, I believe she's 1/2 way to 90 !!! Yikes !! Love you Kuk !
Friday, June 20, 2008

I'll be BRUTALLY frank.......... Having Camryn and Amanda 700 miles away, totally and absolutely stinks ! I have spent most of the day in a total "funk", alternating between huge sighs, depression and tears...... I don't know why it's bothering me so bad right now. Everything was fine in AZ, it was a nice trip (long ride, but other than TB it was okay because we listened to books on tape), we had a great day with Cam (museum, park, mall, ballgame), and when we left there were no tears..........but the further and further we left them behind, the sadder and sadder I became :(
Sunday, June 15, 2008
A couple of Great Men
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Cam and Barkley

Barkley, Barclay? Barkely? don't know for sure. But Cam has her "puppy". He is 2 years old (not really a puppy) and is totally trained, and has been around kids before. Doesn't she look like she's in 7th Heaven ?? Barkley is a Peek a Poo (Pekinese/Poodle mix) I guess we'll get to meet Barkley next Tuesday night. Rog is on vacation, and we are driving to AZ to visit. (Roger is having withdrawals I think :) You know me, I'm never one to turn down a trip. The assessment roll is DONE - can I say that again? IT"S DONE !!! So I'm free to go. Are we crazy....... Drive 13 hours down (Tuesday), Visit on Wednesday, Drive 13 hours back on Thursday......... We can hardly wait !
Friday, June 13, 2008
How do YOU say it ?
Peonies............. Do you say Pee OH nees or PEE ah nees? Just wondering :)
MY Pee OH nees are doing WONDERFULLY this year. I have five bushes in the flower garden just off my front porch. This picture below is the biggest one. I started counting the other night, and there are OVER 130 blossoms on JUST THIS ONE PLANT !! The other plants are loaded also. I took this BEFORE picture, and plan to post another, when they are in full bloom. Everything is SO late this's unbelievable.
MY Pee OH nees are doing WONDERFULLY this year. I have five bushes in the flower garden just off my front porch. This picture below is the biggest one. I started counting the other night, and there are OVER 130 blossoms on JUST THIS ONE PLANT !! The other plants are loaded also. I took this BEFORE picture, and plan to post another, when they are in full bloom. Everything is SO late this's unbelievable.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
A Walk To Remember...........
Hey - wasn't that the name of a movie ? (haha)
Sunday afternoon, Roger and I took a walk on the "Mickelson Mile" aka the river walkway. Here are some pics.
It was a beautiful day - with a nice cool breeze. I can't believe we were the ONLY ones out for a walk. Didn't see anyone else at all.
The Weber River is running a little high. It is a nice walk along side of it.
I brought along some stale buns, and sure enough, the ducks were there, and came a paddling.............
I appreciate the crop Roger (haha) That's my good husband :)
He'll even pose (reluctantly) for a photo with the beautiful "M" in the background.
Crossing over to the other side of the river, you can see Riverside Park. This is where Treyson and I played the other day, and watched the bikers.
Can you believe they tore down the old Bicentennial Stage? I have heard they are putting in a new bowery to replace it. It was never used.
It was a great walk.
Sunday afternoon, Roger and I took a walk on the "Mickelson Mile" aka the river walkway. Here are some pics.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
An afternoon with Treyson
Friday afternoon I took a long lunch and watched Treyson. We had a fun time. Here is what we did.
1. Watched a BIG pumper truck pump cement
2. Walked to Grandma "D"'s - they weren't home
3. Mailed a package to Amanda and Camryn at the Post Office
4. Saw a baby robin hiding in some bushes
5. Threw rocks in the Weber River
6. Found a nest full of potato bugs, and poked them with a stick
7. Played on the slide and swings at the park
8. Watched the boys on bicycles at the skatepark
9. Got rained on while we were walking
10. Got an ice cream at Steph's Drive Inn
11. Visited with everyone at my work
12. Went back home and played basketball
13. Went in the house and had a snack and juice
14. Went upstairs and played with toys, and put puzzles together
Friday, June 6, 2008
Camryn, Horse Woman Extraordinaire....
A week or two ago, we made arrangements for Camryn to ride a horse. It was all that we could have hoped for and more. Thanks Kristen !
Click here for more pics.
Thursday, June 5, 2008

I am thankful for good friends. Last night, we went to dinner with Annette and Roger P. We haven't done that for a long time. Life gets in the way sometimes. We went to Taggarts, and afterwards went to Envision Morgan at the middle school. Even though we may not see each other very often, or talk on the phone for awhile, it seems when we get together, it's just clicks. We have had alot of fun over the years. Roger P. and Roger D. (that's what we call my Roger) are the same age........ Let's see it looks like it will be a MAJOR milestone this year. We won't go into details, but let's just say the 1/2 of a century is a BIG DEAL :) Annette and I are a year apart, we me being the "more mature" of the two. We all grew up in Morgan, and attended High School together, but we didn't become friends until we moved into our "house on the hill" in 1986. Since that time, we've experienced babies being born (Landon, Karly, Blake), sisters dying, kids graduating, moms dying, grandparents dying, kids getting married, having grandbabies, kids buying houses, kids moving away, US moving from next door neighbors, to 7 miles apart....... the list goes on and on. Boy, the last 22 years have brought on many changes when you think about it, but we can still pick up the phone and talk, and share, and laugh, and catch up. If you were to guess, what do you think the NUMBER ONE topic of conversation that Annette and I have had over the years would be................?? Call me later today, Annette - I bet you hit the nail on the head !! I can hear you laughing now !
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hotdogs at the Property
We went up to the property last night and had a weenie roast with Zac and CJ & boys, and my mom and dad. 
I wanted to get some dead branches cut up with the chain saw on the other side of the river where you step off of the bridge, and we decided to make an evening of it.
It was a little cool,
Tagg was dressed in his snowsuit
Treyson LOVES hotdogs (he had 2 big ones from Chetters)
and also, helped to build the fire,
and he loves the glider on the swing set.
Man, he can make that thing go. He was going so high his feet would slip of the pegs, and he would almost fall. He hates bugs, and always keeps his eyes open for them. I have a feeling he is going to hate bees as much as I do.
He wanted to walk across the bridge by himself......... So his dad helped him. I have a feeling we are going to turn around one of these days, and he's going to be out in the middle by himself :0
Zac and CJ have been married 5 years come this August

Zac and my Dad are SO MUCH alike ! Hard working, smart, detail oriented, worriers..... We love them !

Click here for more pics
I wanted to get some dead branches cut up with the chain saw on the other side of the river where you step off of the bridge, and we decided to make an evening of it.
It was a little cool,
Treyson LOVES hotdogs (he had 2 big ones from Chetters)
and also, helped to build the fire,
He wanted to walk across the bridge by himself......... So his dad helped him. I have a feeling we are going to turn around one of these days, and he's going to be out in the middle by himself :0
Zac and CJ have been married 5 years come this August
Zac and my Dad are SO MUCH alike ! Hard working, smart, detail oriented, worriers..... We love them !
Click here for more pics
Cam on the Cam !! (Webcam that is :)
Monday, June 2, 2008
New Church
The Old Rock Church is getting a complete remodel, facelift and addition. They started on it last summer, tore it down to barebones, made it earthquake proof, and then started rebuilding and adding on. It should be ready for use in October. It was neat to see them put the steeple on a couple of weeks ago. This church is located right across the street from my work, so we have been able to watch the progress daily.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Tagg's Blessing Day
Tagg Zachary Rich was blessed and given a name today, by his great-grandfather, Wilden Lee Dickson. It was a beautiful blessing. Afterwards, we had a luncheon at the property.
Click here to view pics.
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