Monday, October 5, 2020

Little bit of this.........a little bit of that.............

I made some green tomato chili verde salsa !  I'm quite the canner this year :)
Cam's new tile in her tub.  Part of the remodel going on in AZ.   She loves the little cubbies for all of her "product".  
Here's the B-sting boy with a FAT LIP.  Dang that hurt :(
Bright made this cute skirt all by herself at her sewing camp.  Way to go Bright. 
Hmmmm......he's trying out something.......... and YES !!  He likes it !!
I made homemade tomato soup and filled TWENTY of these containers to freeze.  There is almost 2 quarts in a container, and when you get it out to thaw to eat, you add milk or cream.  It is so yummy.  I broke two of them out this past weekend down at the property in a crock pot, and the grandkids all loved it.  They could tell it wasn't the usual Campbell's, but they still liked it.  Yeah !!
He finally did it !   It's been loose for a month or more since he got kicked in the teeth by his sister (Yikes!).  He wouldn't let anyone touch it, but he finally did it himself :)
Cole came up to visit LuAnn with Jerry.  He is LuAnn and Jerry's sister, Judy's grandson.  We haven't seen him for about 8 years.   Rog was able to go up to visit and have lunch with all of them. 
Treyson all LIT UP.  Happy 15th birthday big guy. 
Missing her..............we get a text every once in awhile, but she's very busy with life, and school, and work, and friends.  LOVE YOU CAM !!
My new furniture addition.  LOVE IT. 

More of the AZ remodel - at least they are back in the house.  I can hardly wait to see the new cupboards/island bar, and paint. 
Me and Bright at Payson's football game.  She's always up for a selfie :)
Chatting with Nana Daw, and Rylee, and Grandpa Jim at Treyson's Freshman football game.  He had just come over from practice.  
Picked the last of the tomatoes.  Erika took one bucket, and we are going to juice the rest of them when they ripen.  It's been a banner year for tomatoes. 
Thatcher's Football team after their last regular season game.  They will go to the playoffs next week.  I don't know all of them, but there is a Nelson, and a Lott, and  Meibos, and a Nava, and a Walker, and a Judd, and a Sparrow, and of course front and center is our Thatcher, #46.  He wore red socks so this Grandma could tell who he was out on the field.  
Tagg got to play under a full moon and the lights for his last regular season game last Saturday night.  His team is also going to the playoffs. He is #44, and has on the BRIGHT GREEN socks, so we can spot him easily.  He plays CENTER, and has done an exceptional job.  This year has been so great, and I can hardly wait to tell the coaches THANK YOU for being the kind of coaches that kids need to have. 

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