Saturday, December 21, 2019

In my Window

This small sign in my kitchen window - I'll never forget the day when Payson,our grandson was about 5 years old, and a good reader for his young age, saw this sign and was able to read it.  And it just struck him so profoundly.  He looked at me with the biggest smile on his face, and said, "Grandma !!!  That sign says, "My favorite people call me Grandma!" and You're my Grandma, so I must be one of your favorite people !!"  The look of happiness and wonder and accomplishment on his face and in his eyes is something I'll never forget.  It was like he had just discovered the secret to the universe with reading, and having it pertain to him and the love all wrapped up in it.  It was something I"ll never forget, and I was so happy to be a part of that moment !! 
These small salt-shakers of Mr. and Mrs. Santa were my Grandma Tonks'  They are antiques, don't know if they are valuable or not........probably not, they say "Made in China", but they mean alot to me.
It's been almost a year (in February) - and I haven't killed it yet !!  Sherilee Olson gave it to me last February.  I've loved looking at the flowers that have never stopped blooming.  Whenever I forget to water it,  the stems immediately begin to droop, so I water it back up, and Voila!  They perk right back up. 
The reason we celebrate Christmas.  So Special.
Watch this video here

I love all of it, but what struck me were these things..........
No spoken words
There wasn't a mean innkeeper........  and they were welcomed, but there just wasn't a private place.
A woman was there to welcome them, and then Joseph went to get a woman, who led them to a more private place for Mary to give birth.
There was a female shepherd.
The wisemen didn't come the night he was born, but about 2 years later (true to the story - but often missed in the retelling)
The look on the wise man's face as he knelt before the 2-year old boy..... I can't watch that part without crying.
The joy and FEELING as he knelt before this little boy, who would grow up and SAVE US ALL.
Please watch it if you haven't, you won't be sorry.

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