Friday, December 20, 2019

A Little bit of THIS.....and a Little bit of THAT.............

A couple of weeks ago we got busy helping to install an outlet (between my parent's two easy chairs).  We had to get down in the crawler to run the line.  
While we were down there, we also ran another heat duct line to the far corner of their bathroom.  This helped add to the warmth near the shower.  Happy early Merry Christmas !! 
In the middle of it all, we fixed tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.  There were eight of us there.........   Guess how many sandwiches we went through?   18 !!!  Those boys (and men) are BIG eaters !!  Mom said, should we start with 4-cans of soup............HAHA !  I said 2 1/2 time that Mom :)  
We also got the angel put up near Ambure's grave (and Tonya's and Lance's).  I sure like the way it turned out.  Not bad for  $5 deal on Morgan Mom's.  We took out the lights, and added about 50 zip ties to put it back together.  LOVE IT !
My good friends Lynelle and Sherilee worked on a tree for the Festival of Trees.  One of these day's I'm going to have TWO trees, and do one of them ONLY in Savior related ornaments.  (I have so many already) - I love this. 
Someone sweet in AZ is coming to visit us - one week from today :) 
Had to post this !  Bren was stylin' on Thanksgiving Day :)  
Bex got the throwup BUG a week or so ago........  All day snuggling (and puking) in Mom's arms.  Poor thing.
Yup - still going strong :)
The Morgan County Christmas Party - Sandy's Fine Foods catered it, and it was YUMMY ~   Who's that in the red on the left with the stylin' red earrings from Ivory and Birch !!??  
One day, later in the afternoon, Zac and CJ and boys got stuck in Ogden shopping.  It was Grandma Gwen to the rescue (Grandpa Roger was sick with the stomach bug),.  I still have it !   Fed those noisy goats like a CHAMP !!
I was lucky enough to get to help with the West Porterville Ward food drive.  This was organized in a matter of days, and you cannot believe the response !!  You know many of us have willingly set a few (many) can of food on our porch for a food drive.  I myself, have never been on the other end of things.............WOW  that is alot of works, unbagging, distributing to families identified only by Family #1, #2, and so forth......., and don't forget delivering.  It was so fulfilling to help, and I was the lucky recipient to deliver one of the deliveries myself.  So so appreciative and tears were shed !   It was wonderful. 

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