Saturday, November 23, 2019

Sleepover - crazy boys

After Brightyn's sleepover, Payson wanted equal time (can you blame him?)
It's always more fun when cousins are together, so Thatch and Tagg cam over too.  I'm so glad that Tagg still wants to hang out.  It seems Treyson has passed that age unfortunately :(
I fixed Payson's FAVORITE meal...........better than PIZZA............better than anything!
Can you tell what it is?
Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese !!!!! (and of course, Chocolate Milk)
These boys learned how to make SNOWFLAKES !!!
Oh boy, the house was OVERRUN with snowflakes :)
The next morning while breakfast was going on...................
Snowflakes were still making an appearance. 
It was a warm day, so we headed outside for the swing
These two crack me up.
They get along all of the time.
It is all smiles and giggles (and SCREAMS of excitement)
Grandma Ben came down to get in on the action before we headed back to Ogden to get Payson to his basketball game. 
Bandit sure loves these boys too!
And of course, we stopped by the DI - I had promised them, because Brightyn had such a fun time there the week before.  It was a great time to hang out with these two (and Tagg) yahoos. 

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