Friday, December 7, 2012

Prayers for Stan

Stan Rees - 2006
Landon and Stan 
This was posted on Morgan Moms (Face book) by Larissa, Stan and Kendra's daughter-in-law: 

My father-in-law is in need of a liver transplant. Each day he gets sicker and sicker. Stan is 57 years old. He and my mother-in-law Kendra are the parents of 7 children, and grandparents to 10 children. The disease that has damaged his liver is an autoimmune disease called sclerosing cholangitis. He has been on a transplant list for 2 years, but he may not live long enough to make it to the top of the transplant list. We recently became aware that the family or guardians of an individual in a situation with no hope of recovery can designate their loved ones organs for donation to a specific person. This is the reason for my post. I want to make others aware of Designated Organ Donation. I know this is a sensitive subject, and I mean no offense. But the tragic loss of a loved one can be softened through organ donation. Livers have become increasingly hard to come by because of an increase in those needing liver transplants, and fewer people willing to donate. We are literally praying for a miracle to save Stan. I know God answers prayers, but it’s usually through others. The family of the donor, can let the doctor caring for their loved one know to whom they would like a particular organ to go. In turn, the doctor can notify the organ procurement organization in that region as to where that transplant recipient is listed. Stan is currently listed with the University of Utah Liver Transplant Clinic. 

Stan was Landon's baseball coach at Morgan High, and we have always thought so highly of him and his family. Our prayers go out to them.

Stan and Kendra and children

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