Thursday, December 13, 2012

My Favorite Things

I received this cute invitation hanging on my door - a party at Wendy's is quite a TREAT !
She is absolutely the greatest decorator I know, seriously.  She pays attention to every little detail.........
Heck - who even KNEW that ornament hangers could be FANCY??  Not me, that's for sure :)
The menu was divine, thanks to Janene's careful planning.  Sweet and sour chicken, strawberry/spinach salad, ribboned jello salad, cranberry/jalapeno salsa for appetizer, and  yummy cream pie for dessert.  Wendy had also made chocolate and caramel dipped giant stick pretzels for a treat to take home. 

We had all brought gifts of "Our Favorite Things" to share - but FIRST we played LRC (Left , Right, Center)  Wendy had made prizes -  two loaves of home made bread, a cute "gift wrap" gift, and the one gift that EVERYONE wanted (see below)
"The Magic of Christmas in not in the Presents, but in HIS presence"

Some of us struggled to play the game ................:)
Some of us WON BIG !!
(That would be lucky me :)
Then we got down to serious ;) business, and each of presented the others with "Our Favorite Things"
Some were DROOLING in anticipation  (love you Carol!)
Cindy Bangerter brought us each a journal, and some See's chocolates
Jill Judd brought us each a Browning manicure set
Annette Prescott brought her favorite bowls AND her favorite (and mine) movie candy 
Gaylene Kimbal couldn't be there because her hubby surprised her with a CHRISTMAS CRUISE to CANCUN  (lucky girl), but she sent us each a decorative snowman
Janene Walker made us each a "corn" bag to keep our toes toasty warm (or cold) as needed, and  Nutella (I've heard so much about Nutella, but have never tried it.  I'm excited)
Wendy Waldron (our host) brought us each something to get the wrinkles out of our hard to iron clothing.  I do believe I heard "What is an iron?" - but I won't say WHO said it, Carol ;)
Carol Wilkinson bright us each her favorite perfume (smells great !) and a ONE BILLION DOLLAR chocolate bar :)
Vicki Rose brought us "Lemi Shine" and we were all excited to try it out.  Since  all of the dishwasher soaps have changed their phosphate content, have you noticed how GROSS the dishes come out, with a white filmy substance?  This will fix you up!   I'm running my dishwasher right now with it, and can hardly wait to see the difference.  Also CHOCOLATE..........  YEA!!
And last but not least, I brought everyone some plastic wrap (with the little zip razor which cuts the edge PERFECTLY!) and some HONEY.

It was a GREAT TIME!!
I love all of my friends.
Thanks EVERYONE !!

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