Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wrestle !!

Tonight we went to North Summit to watch Little League Wrestling.  It was wonderful.  Treyson tried so hard, and liked it so much.  It was well organized, and we were not there for hours and hours. 

Treyson had 3 matches, with the SAME KID - another Kindergarten aged boy who weighed in at 69.1 pounds.  Treyson weighed in at 68.8.  They are TWO BIG BOYS :)

Tagg was content to sit in the stands, although later he said he wanted to wrestle at Morgan's Little League matches tomorrow night - we'll see how THAT  goes !

Treyson lost all 3 matches by decision.  It was obvious that the other kid had wrestled before.  BUT - he could NOT PIN TREYSON.  I think the other kid was getting kind of frustrated about that :)
Zac and Treyson watching the matches
One Hot Sweaty Little Boy

Fun Medal at the end !!
Treyson was a happy kid - before, during and after.  He is alot like CJ, that girl can make Lemonade out of Lemons all the time.  Rog and I loved the evening, and it brought back so many memories.  I might have gotten a tear in my eye a time or two.  Wrestling is really hard for a mom to watch, especially when her son is getting whooped on (which does happen from time to time), and I firmly believe that it is the toughest sport there is.  You are out there all alone, you don't have a team, JUST YOU. It is so rewarding, and builds confidence when you win, and teaches you how to accept a loss.  Those were the days...........   It is fun to think that it may be starting all over again !!  Go Treyson !!


Anonymous said...

Lookin good Treyson. Looks like a true Rich.

Teresa said...

Yeah Treyson! I totally agree that wrestling is one of the hardest sports for a mom to watch but it certainly builds character in the wrestler.

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