Saturday, June 27, 2009

Last night there was a storm..............

So I did what any self-respecting Grandma would do.
I grabbed my grandsons, and we went and sat on the front porch.

My dad used to do this with me. I remember it like it was yesterday, and now I LOVE thunderstorms. I hope to make some memories with my grandkids.

As the rain came down, we saw the lightning flash, and then waited for the BOOM of the thunder. It was so much fun !!

Treyson even got out in the rain, and was calling to the thunder.
He has SUCH a fun imagination.

The storm came and went, and look what popped out after wards !!


Bettinson Bunch said...

Interesting, last night during the storm I was talking to Aaron about how I LOVED thunder and lightning as a child...because of Mom and Dad! However, I have HATED it ever since the lightning incident at Round Valley with Reid Carruth!

Anonymous said...

We watched the rainbow also. I couldn't believe how bright it was. Joni took some pictures with my camera but we are not the photo queens that you are. Beautiful picture of the rainbow. LuAnn

EVELYN said...

I've never heard or seen a storm, but I think someday im gonna love to see it .... just a little¡ hahahha

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