Friday, October 10, 2008


Sommer tagged here goes !

8 TV Shows I Love To Watch (I don't watch much TV, but stop at these when I do)
1. American Idol
2. Criminal Minds
3. Raising the Bar
4. Cold Case
5. Without a Trace
6. Law and Order
7. Baseball Playoffs (October is Roger's favorite time of year)
8. 20/20

8 Things That Happened Today
1. Slept in
2. Went to work
3. Ate lunch with the Sister missionaries
4. Arranged for some "blue rock" to be delivered to Zac & CJ's new house
5. Helped spread out the "blue rock"
6. Played with Treyson and Tagg
7. Ate supper
8. Went to bed

8 Favorite Places to Eat
1. Subway
2. Chili's
3. Maple Garden
4. Taggart's
5. Ligori's
6. The Garden (Joseph Smith Building in SLC)
7. Cafe Rio
8. My mom's (should be #1 on my list :)

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
1. Manda and Cam coming home for Christmas
2. Mom and Dad's home being finished
3. Zac and CJ getting their fence finished
4. Landon completing another successful year as a missionary
5. Having every Friday off (when we go on 4-10's)
6. Retirement ;)
7. Spring (I don't want to do winter again)
8. A vacation

8 Things On My Wish List
1. Out of debt
2. Food storage complete
3. Manda and Cam living back in Utah
4. A college degree
5. A new car (paid for)
6. A personal trainer
7. A maid
8. A cook

8 People I Tag
1. Stacy
2. Teresa
3. Trinity
4. CJ
5. Erika
6. Annette
7. Mom
8. LuAnn

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