Friday, December 1, 2006

December 2006

December 1, 2006

Well, I got my Cingular bill, and it was $15.40 more than it should have been, due to text messages.  They said that someone had called on 10/22/06 (the day after you played CSI at Twin Falls), referencing cell phone number 801-829-8024, and said they were Gwen, and knew the last four digits of my SSN# and got text messaging reinstalled on 829-8024.  I have a hard time believing that you would do this.  I mean this sincerely.  I CANNOT believe that you would do this, and I believe you are totally honest with me.   I'm not sure how it was done...... and the thing I think is very strange, is that the text messaging did not start immediately, but on 10/30/06 (8 days later)???  - and the first message was an incoming text???  I'm not sure what is happening with this.  I got her to credit me $7.70 on my bill, and I had a password protection put on my account, so I don't believe it will happen again.  I don't know if you have my SSN#  laying around? for someone to get a hold of.........  I wouldn't think so.  I just can't figure out how this could have happened, unless I did it in my sleep?   Maybe I'm losing my mind.  Please let me know what you think about all of this.  I am worried and confused. 


 December 1, 2006 – email from G & G Dickson to Landon

Boy it sure is cold here in Morgan, but then I guess we haven't fully adjusted after being in Cambodia.  Grandpa checked the temperature the other morning and it was 0 degrees.  How would you like to be out in that with just a short sleeved shirt on, or as Grandpa would say, "wearing only a pair of spurs."  I hope it hasn't been that cold in Ontario.  Just keep bundled up good.

We hope you are getting along fine and moving around a lot better.  Just remember to take it easy and not over do, especially with lifting or straining.

Grandpa and I went to the wrestles last night.  They were great.  Jaden really hung in there and it was good to see him get a pin.  He felt a hundred times better than last week at North Summit.  I've always said that wrestling is hard, especially when there are just the two of you on the mat and there can only be one winner.

We are looking forward to having you home again next week.  Study hard and ace those finals. 

We love you, Grandma and Grandpa Dickson

December 4, 2006

What makes us happy?  It is such a joy every night about 10 pm……… we get a phone call from Landon who is away at school in Oregon.  It has become a nightly ritual.  One we look so forward to.  I don’t think he realizes just how much we enjoy it.  Landon is such a good boy, and always tries to make others happy.  He is so considerate of others feelings.  The other night I was on the phone to him, when some of his friends were leaving, and he said, “Just a minute” to me, and then I heard him say to his friends, “Hey – if you need a ride, call me !”.  That is Landon, always there, always offering a hand.  Landon probably doesn’t realize how much it means to us to hear his voice each night, and hear him recount the simple things he has done that day, but it is one of the highlights of our day.  We love him so much 

What makes us happy?  Having a son who is willing to help us out when needed.  Zac came up yesterday and replaced all of the lights in our kitchen ceiling.  It was definitely a two man job, and Zac got up and down off of the stool (It would have killed Roger’s knee), and Roger handed him tools.  He is so handy.  We appreciate him taking time to help us, leaving his family and giving of himself to us.  I don’t know why Zac likes to work so much.  It must have been just the way he was born, a gift from our Heavenly Father.  We always try to help him out when he needs help with his “projects”, and we surely appreciate all of his help, like when he stepped in and went to work on Amanda’s bathroom in her new little home. I don’t think he realized how happy that made her. We love him so much.

What makes us happy?   Watching our daughter Amanda, who has overcome some set-backs in her life, make her way forward with such strong convictions.  She is such a good mother, a good daughter, a good employee, and a good person !  She is smart, and forward looking and thinking.  She has goals, and works hard to achieve them.   We know she will go far.  We appreciate her concern for us and others, and her willingness to pitch in to help us and her brothers.  She has tender feelings, and is always looking out for those same feelings in others.  She is very professional in her dealings at work, and others there have recognized that quality in her, and we know she will go far. Camryn surely has a good mother, who wants the best for her.  We are very proud of Amanda, and we love her so much.

What makes us happy?  The little people in our lives, Camryn Dee and Treyson Lee, are so special.  What a joy to have them around.  They are so different in looks and personality.  They will be like our three children, so very different, (you can hardly believe they are related!) yet so very loved.  It is hard to believe the feelings of love you can have for the children of your children. We always want the best for them, and we will always be there for them.  It is fun to watch them interact, and they remind me so much of Amanda and Zachary at that age.  Camryn is such a talker, and loves to be I the middle of all the action, and is so smart !  Treyson has such a cute grin, and is very watchful and quiet, absorbing all there is around him.  They are so innocent, and so loving, and so very precious to us.  We love them so much.

December 5, 2006

I had my face lasered again (2nd time) yesterday at Manda’s work.  Boy I’m swollen up like a Shar-Pei puppy today.  It didn’t do this last time – I can’t go to work looking like this !!  I’ve GOT to go to Roger’s Doctor appointment this afternoon, and also I wanted to go to the Joseph  - A tribute from Nashville tonight.  I hope the swelling goes down.  Did I mention, Manda is going out with Josh Cowart for the first time this Friday – I hope they hit it off.  Also, Zac took his Journeyman practicum test (residential) on Saturday, and he thinks he did well.  Landon doesn’t have much going on at college today, just studying for two finals tomorrow.  Well, maybe I can get some banana bread made today, and also the Christmas decorations up. Might as well be useful !!

December 12, 2006

Updates – Roger was referred to a knee specialist, Dr. Watson, and we went yesterday, and he is going to take 5 shots over the course of 5 weeks, of synthetic cartilage? Made from Rooster combs. We’ll wee if that relieves some of his pain.  If it doesn’t help much, then he’ll probably opt for a partial knee replacement, and ACL replacement.  

The Joseph tribute from Nashville was WONDERFUL.  I have about worn out the CD listening to it.  My face DID recover, but I wonder if this is really worth it………… Zac has NOT heard how he did on his test yet, probably sometime this week he will.  Landon made it home, and it is good to have him home.  He is reading the heck out of Harry Potter 6, and of course partying with friends.  The first night he didn’t come home until 3:30 am, and I was NOT very happy about that. He ended up with C’s in all classes, except Math, where he got a B+.  I wish he would have done better, but oh well, at least they count as credits.  Manda had a good time with Josh on Friday, and they are planning on going out this week to lunch.  He came in the office yesterday to “chat”, but I didn’t say or ask anything because I didn’t want to appear the meddling mother, or make things “weird”.  Tonight I am going down with the YW/YM to temple square to see the Joseph Smith movie, and the lights.  Hope all goes well.  Here is what we are giving for Xmas this year.

Mom and DAD – going in with Mark and Erika to get them a TIVO

Ben & Lu – 3 lifetime chairs

Amanda – doormat, snow shovel, drill, canisters, clock and a gift cert for massage, and $50 cash

Zac & CJ – Garage door opener (installation and door paid for)

Landon – New razor phone, nice slack/shirt/tie ensemble, stacking game, Bluetooth accessory for phone

Camryn – doctors set, nativity set, animals to play with at Grandma’s, $50 into college fund, blanket

Treyson – truck, nativity set, animals to play with at Grandma’s, $50 into college fund, blanket




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