Wednesday, November 1, 2006

November 2006

November 2, 2006

Email from Grandma Rich to Landon

Hey Babe,    How are you doing.  Your dad called and told me about the World Series.  Good for the Blue Team.  Have you made all of your pledge contacts.  How did you do.  I forgot to tell you that Keysto is going to work for Taylor.  Taylor and two friends went into business for themselves.  They are doing great.  Taylor called and asked Keysto if he wanted to come to work for them.  He decided he would.  He gave Randalls his two week notice.  He starts his new job a week from Monday.  How is the weather there.  It is really cold at night here but it warms up during the day.  Good luck on you 100 inning weekend.  Remember we love you and keep you in our prayers.  We are looking forward to Thanksgiving.  I know you are having dinner with the Dicksons but come up after.  Talk to you later..

                                    Love Grandma Rich


November 4, 2006

Well it’s been 2 years and one month since we learned that Manda and Camryn would be coming back to live with us.  They moved back on Oct 12, 2004 when Camryn was 5 months old.  She is now 2 ½ years old, and such a sweet little girl.  We love you so much.  It has been such an enjoyable 2 years !  Today she and Amanda are moving out into a little house across the street from my mom and dad at 71 N. 200 W.  We will surely miss them, but know that this will be the best for them.  We are surely glad they are staying in Utah and MORGAN !!

Email written to Bishop Fisher November 9, 2006 (Craig and Julia are Mission President in Billings, Montana (July 2006 - July 2009)

Candace Montanesi called me today, to tell me that she is engaged!   She will marry Mario Molina in the St. George Temple on January 27, 2007. Mario will graduate from Dixie College with a bachelors degree soon, and then they will come north to live so he can go to law school. He has lived in St. George growing up, and she met him at institute.   Her parents are thrilled, and really like him. She is working on the family home evening committee in institute, and has enlisted Tim Poll from Morgan to help her on this committee. I am so thrilled for her, and so happy that she has stayed strong and active in the gospel.  Her email is  (They ended up divorcing)

Hope you an Julia are well and good in Missoula - Jared Olson either got his mission call yesterday (Wed) or next Wed.  I haven't heard yet.  I asked him what he would do if he opened it, and it said Missoula Montana Mission??  He got a smile a MILE wide.

Landon is coming home this weekend - in fact he's on the road right now.  Thanks again for all of the good influence you were and are in his life.  We love you both!  Take care and work hard (haha)

Love Gwen

His reply

Thanks So much for the information-

I always thought Candice would do well!!

I called and talked with Landon this past weekend- It was sure great to catch up on things-

I love him like son- thanks for sharing him!  I can hardly wait for him to get his call to the Montana Billings Mission- (Ha- what are the chances?!)  I would drop to my knees and thank Heavenly Father if that happened!

Sounds like a few changes in our Ward!  I don't know any of the details, but do we get back what we lost originally?

Thanks, Gwen - for being so kind to Jill.  I knew you would love her- and we all appreciate it!

Keep in touch

 My reply back

Yes we will get back exactly what we lost, and also the north side of Young Street from the "Y" to Jess Hopkin's home - we will pick up approx. 10 young women and the young men get quite a few also.  We are practicing for another "program" to present to the ward on November 28th.   More beautiful songs, and also there are three solos, Jake Nicolas, Sage and Anne, and Deborah Peay sings the Maker's touch which just makes you cry to hear her beautiful voice and the spirit is so strong.  Don't know if you heard, but they stole Lynelle from me, she is the new Stake Young Women's pres.  She is doing a wonderful job !!

Take care

Love Gwen and family


Email from lee and Veloy to Landon

November 15, 2006

It sure did seem great to see you this past weekend.  Grandpa and I are looking forward to Thanksgiving and having you around again.  We picked up the frozen turkey yesterday (20 pounds) and the ham.

It is nice having Amanda and Camryn next door.  I can wave to Camryn when they leave in the morning and drop in at night after they get home.  Amanda is a good little mother and is enjoying getting things fixed up in her own house.  It is great to have her here in Morgan and not so far away in Arizona.  Her new stove was delivered yesterday but Lynn Mickelson wasn't able to get it installed last night.  Hopefully he can today sometime.

We had Treyson with us the other day when CJ went to Weight Watchers.  He is so fun to entertain and play with.  I had forgotten how fast little ones can be.  One minute they are by your side and the next minute you are hunting them down.  He is such a happy little guy.  He has discovered the hall closet with the toys and the bottom drawer in the kitchen that holds a lot of odds and ends (spoons, lids, funnels, etc.).

Grandpa has a doctor's appointment this afternoon for his back.  He has been having a little trouble with it lately.  I keep telling him to slow down and not try to do so much physical stuff, as he is getting older and with that comes aches and pains.  Of course, that doesn't mean he is to ignore the "Honey Do List" I have for him.

Well, take care and keep studying.  By the way, your new indoor facilities sure look nice.  I'm glad your Mom is keeping things updated on your web site.  You have great parents.  We love you and are pleased with what you are doing.

Love, Grandma (and Grandpa)

Email Gwen sent to Rhea Zaldain (Meridian Idaho)

Do you remember me?  We sat through a baseball game together at TVCC in Ontario.

I was just wondering how your road trip with your friend went.  I hope all went well,

and that I didn't lead you astray with my suggestions.  How is your grandson doing at CSI?

Our son Landon is coming home this week for Thanksgiving.  He is our youngest and it

has been hard (although it is getting easier) to have him gone.  I have had a great time

with a website that I created for him.  You might enjoy looking at it.  It can be accessed

by going to

Take care, I would love to hear from you.

Gwen Rich

Morgan, UT

Reply from RHEA

Hi Gwen,

It was great to hear from you.  I visited Landon's web site - you have done an excellent job.

Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  We went on our wonderful trip.  I loved Thanksgiving Point.  Thank you so much for recommending it.  We would never have stopped there if you hadn't told me about it.  We spent most of a  day there and I dropped a lot of $$$.  I now have some fun treasures to show others.  I highlighted all your suggestions on the map.  We made it to all the National Parks, took lots of pictures, and followed a few trail.  We didn't make it to the Morgan loop, but we are going again in late April. We want to see those tulips blooming and we'll check out the Grand Canyon on our way to Arizona

I plan to see you this spring at the games.  The CSI Coach has decided he wants Trever to red shirt this year.  He is the youngest on the team and this will give him a little more time in the program.

I look forward to seeing you this spring.


November 19, 2006

Landon called yesterday and apparently he has a hernia.  He hasn’t been to the doctor yet, but from his description, we are sure this is what he has.  He has had it since he went up to college, and never said anything to anyone, because he didn’t want to spoil his fall ball season!  We will try and get him in for surgery while he’s home for Christmas.


November 21, 2006

"Fathers and mothers, pray over your children. Pray that they may be shielded from the evils of the world. Pray that they may grow in faith and knowledge. Pray that they may be directed toward lives that will be profitable and good. Many of them walk a very difficult road with countless problems and great perplexities. Plead with the Almighty that they may be guided, blessed, protected, inspired in their righteous endeavors. . ."

Landon I want you to remember (as I'm sure you do) that you have many people praying for you in all that you do. We love you so very much.



Landon went to the doctor up in Ontario last night and he has a double hernia.  An inguinal hernia which is in the crease of his leg, and a scrotal hernia which is in his scrotum.  The doctor said you do not usually see two at a time. Landon is not in any pain at all at this time.   Our plan is to have him come home as usual, and then after a wonderful Thanksgiving day, we’ll go down to the emergency room on Friday morning, and hopefully they will see him, and admit him and do surgery on him on Friday.  If he is well enough, he’ll go back to Oregon on Sunday evening as planned, and if not, he will take a couple of extra days at home to heal up. We pray for the Lord’s blessings upon him.


Instant Messaging between Gwen and Stacy Lafitte on November 21, 2006

Gwenarooskie says:

Good Morning

stacy says:

Right back at ya!

Gwenarooskie says:

Do you want to hear some news from the Rich Family?

stacy says:

tell me some news

Gwenarooskie says:

Well, we all got called up to Ben & LuAnn's last night for a BIG family meeting

stacy says:


Gwenarooskie says:

We couldn't imagine what it was about - did somebody die, was somebody going to die??? or was it just a ploy to get us all there for some SALES pitch !?!?!

stacy says:

Come on!!!!   You're killing me!!

Gwenarooskie says:

LuAnn turned the floor over to Kelly, and he got up.......

stacy says:


Gwenarooskie says:

and he said....

Gwenarooskie says:

Well, Me and Michelle and the boys have been discussing this for the past 6 months and we have come to a decision

Gwenarooskie says:

I personally was thinking.... new baby??

Gwenarooskie says:

Then he dropped the bomb shell

Gwenarooskie says:

Stay tuned for the next installment of this story tomorrow at 8 am

stacy says:


stacy says:

Come on!!

Gwenarooskie says:

They are moving to Korea for THREE WHOLE YEARS !!!

stacy says:


stacy says:


Gwenarooskie says:

For Kelly''s job at Autoliv - he is a BIG WIG !!

stacy says:

Is this a good thing for them?

stacy says:

How does Michelle feel?

stacy says:

Does she work?

Gwenarooskie says:

Yea, they are really excited.... Michelle went over for a week last month with the baby, and we all wondered WHY in the heck she would drag a 1 1/2 year old over there, and only stay for 3-4 days, but it was to pick out a house, check out schools, etc. etc.

Gwenarooskie says:

Michelle works for Nutraceutical, and she will have to quit

stacy says:

So they will take the boys and actually move and everything?

stacy says:

Did she pick out a house?

Gwenarooskie says:

Well, they won't move furniture (they could, as the company would pay for it....) but they will just take the money and buy new stuff, and only take clothes, basics, etc. 

Gwenarooskie says:

The home is actually a huge apartment on the 16th floor of an apartment building

Gwenarooskie says:

Kelly will have a car.  They will be about 20 miles south of SEOUL, in a town called BoomDIM or something like that.  His work is another 30 miles south.

Gwenarooskie says:

The boys have to pass tests and write essays in order to be accepted into the school over there, and get this...........they will be leaving (Kelly and the boys) right after Christmas, as they have to be there for school on Jan 8.  Michelle will go with baby in Feb-March.

Gwenarooskie says:

He didn't talk money or anything to us, but I would guess that they are making it So worth his while, that he can't turn it down. They will not sell their home.... but rent it out

stacy says:

How do the boys feel about it?

Gwenarooskie says:

They are excited.  The final decision was left up to them

stacy says:

Does it make them nervous that they have to test and write essays?  Are they ok to leave their friends?

Gwenarooskie says:

They are a little nervous about the tests, etc. and I guess they are okay about the friend part.... I feel bad that Chase will miss most/all of his high school in Morgan, but he will be back to do his senior year here.

Gwenarooskie says:

and he's one of the youngest, so Kelly was even saying that he might come back and do 11th AND 12th here, but I bet he is so far ahead (with the hard schools over there) that he'll just do 12th.

stacy says:

Holy Cow!!  What news!  Was the whole family blown away?

Gwenarooskie says:

Yea..... it was kind of like 20 years ago when Linda and Bruce and family went to Okinawa for 2 years, and then extended for another 1-2 years...... but we knew before hand that they were "thinking" about it...... and when they finally made the decision it wasn't such a mind blower !!

Gwenarooskie says:

I guess LuAnn has known about it for the last 6 months (that they were thinking about it) and didn't say a word...... which is quite unusual.

stacy says:

At least they will be here for Christmas.  But then it will be sad for them to go.  Will they opportunities to come back for visits?

Gwenarooskie says:

Yes, the company will pay to fly the whole family home at least once a year, and if there is an emergency, death in family, etc. then they will fly them home for that also.

stacy says:

That is just crazy.  I don't think I could do it.  I'm such a home town girl.  That would have been a very hard decision to make.  But that sounds good that they (especially the boys) are so excited about it.

Gwenarooskie says:

yup - well I better get to work



Hello all – I hope you don't mind me using your email address in order to get tickets for Young Women's combined activity. Please just disregard……….as I have the confirmation on hard copy

Reply from Manda

you have got to be kidding me --- you are laughing inside right now -- i better not be getting junk church mail.

Reply from me

Hmmmmm I never thought of that??  You are now on their LIST !!!  heheJ - seriously if you do get something else, which I don’t think you will, it ALWAYS has a thing at the bottom to cancel and remove you from any future

Mailings……sorry hon, I was desperate !!  Landon has just left for the airport in Boise, and we are leaving between 3:30 and 4 to go and pick him up in SLC, then we are going up over Parley’s to North Summit to the wrestles, and won’t be home until late – do you need us to do anything for you except pick you up in the morning??  What time do you want us at your home in the morning?  Please call us on our cells sometime,  Love MOM

Friday after Thanksgiving – November 24, 2006

Landon was operated on for an inguinal hernia today.  All went well.  We showed up at the Emergency room at 9:30 a.m, and they took us back quite quickly, and we were in the bowels of the emergency room for 1 ½ hours, and they told us that if “the stars were aligned” then Dr. Moesinger would do the surgery later in the day, but that it would be a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng wait.  I must preface this by saying that me and Landon kneeled down this morning and prayed that if it was Heavenly Father’s will that he get this done TODAY, that all would work out, and if not………..then we would know that it would be okay to wait until mid December.  At 11 a.m., they sent us back out into the Emergency room waiting room to wait, and after 3 hours there I was afraid they had forgotten about us, but then they pulled us back into another “back” room at 2 pm, and we waited there to talk to the doctor.  At 4:30 pm, I went to check again.  Roger had come and gone home, sure that the surgery would NOT be happening today.  They had apparently LOST us – they then transported Landon up to same day surgery via gurney, with a CUTE nurse.  He was finally operated on at approx. 5:30 pm,  at 7 pm the surgery was done, and we were home at 9:30 pm.  The nurses all LOVED him of course…………. And all’s well that ends well.  The doctor DID try an talk him out of the surgery, as he was worried about finals and all……………. But it all worked out.


Monday, November 27, 2006

You are supposed to call me too - just kidding.  I know you are tired and sore.

Hey - FYI.... Boise and surrounding area have about 200,000 people, and Salt Lake and surrounding area are at about a million !

Also - Your silly mom forgot your BLUE shorts - they were still in the dryer, I'm so sorry.  Do you need them for the next two weeks? 

If so, I can overnight them up to you.  Please let me know, and again, I am so sorry.


PS  Glad you made it home and all safe and sound. 

PPS Try lying on your side, with your knees drawn up a little - sorry you had such a bad night.

I love you so much

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