Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Vacation Time !!

Roger and I and my sister Erika left on Friday, February 21st and drove to Vegas, where Erika and I saw Donny Osmond in concert !  It was excellent.  Thank you Kuk :)
We dropped her off at the airport early Saturday morning, then Rog and I headed to AZ !!! 
This was where we got to see our Arizona grandkids, Cash and Cam.
It was great to see Manda, Bren, and Josiah too (haha)
Amanda is just about 2 1/2 weeks recovered from her 2nd hip replacement, and is doing so well, I almost forget she had it done !!


We headed back to Vegas and Mesquite, and on the way we hiked in the Valley of Fire State Park, a couple of days later we hiked in Zions National Park also.  Roger humored me, and I really love and appreciate his support in the things I want to do. 
I also went to the new Red Cliffs Temple in Washington, and the Las Vegas Temple too. 
Our last two days were spent in St. George and Hurricane, watching Payson play baseball, and hanging out with these cuties !  
Pays is such a great ball player, and we love to watch him and give him our support.
He turned 13 years old while we were there !!!  

We got home on Saturday, March 1st.  We haven't had that long of a vacation since our Hawaiian Cruise in October of 2007.  We had a great time, but are glad to be home. 

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