Saturday, June 22, 2024

Gardening (not a good year)

2024 - we really cut back this year. SHORT ROWS - YEAH !!!
1 row of onions (looking good)
2 rows for peas (sad sad sad - probably about 25% came up)
4 rows of corn - 1st two rows probably 75% ?
last two rows looked a little bit better.

We planted tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers in May, and they froze
Replanted (this time put the dreaded walls of water up) - then we had a heat wave............removed them, and THEN on June 17th - FROST !!!!!
We did cover them up, and thankfully didn't lose any.  Even the corn withstood it really well.
Mom got some carrots in, but it's too soon to tell what kind of crop they will produce. 

2022 - Can't believe how much better/taller/bigger


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