Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sad Garden

Watered corn for the first time today. 
The corn is a disaster :(   Look at all of those clods, which are hard as rocks.  Roger had to till the ground before he could even dig a furrow !   See the pink seeds?  They are coming out all over.
Can't grow deep in the ground because it's so hard. 
I tried to prop this one up with dirt clods......................
....and it promptly fell over when the water came. 
Sad little garden this year.
This is what the West end looks like, we are tilling it, and spraying to keep the weeds down. 


This is what it's supposed to look like now.............
We didn't even attempt pumpkins or squash, because of the killer squash bug infestation we had last year.  Maybe if we give it a rest for a year or two they will move on?  

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Flag Football

Had a great time watching flag football last night.  Thatcher caught a touchdown pass, and THREW  a touchdown pass.  Check out this fun short video


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Camryn's Bridal Shower

Cam had her bridal shower yesterday.  It looks like they had a wonderful time.  She looks so happy in every picture.  Only 75 days until the BIG DAY CELEBRATION !! 
Love my Girls 

Click here for updated Bridal Shower Video 


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Gardening (not a good year)

2024 - we really cut back this year. SHORT ROWS - YEAH !!!
1 row of onions (looking good)
2 rows for peas (sad sad sad - probably about 25% came up)
4 rows of corn - 1st two rows probably 75% ?
last two rows looked a little bit better.

We planted tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers in May, and they froze
Replanted (this time put the dreaded walls of water up) - then we had a heat wave............removed them, and THEN on June 17th - FROST !!!!!
We did cover them up, and thankfully didn't lose any.  Even the corn withstood it really well.
Mom got some carrots in, but it's too soon to tell what kind of crop they will produce. 

2022 - Can't believe how much better/taller/bigger


Friday, June 21, 2024

Father's Day !

We met again, and this time Jaden and Abby and Tiana were able to be there !!
Happy Father's Day to all of our Fathers. 


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Couple Pics - Let's get married !

Pre- wedding celebrations pics :)

I like this one best ! 


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mow and Freeze and Bleach

Roger bought another 30" mower........#6
Guess who has first dibbs ?   haha !  

Thatcher helped to water the garden the other night, just before our big freeze.  We were able to cover the tomatoes and peppers, and we didn't lose them.  It appears the corn and peas were not even touched.  Maybe they are hardier than tomatoes and peppers. 

Thatch and Treyson had their hair bleached by CJ the other night.  Crazy kids !! 


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Fun with Cash

I made a quick trip down to AZ to help Manda out with a babysitting need.  Spent four days with this little one.  Take a look at this cute video to see the fun things we did.


This is Carsen, she is Cash's usual babysitter, and is working out so well.
He LOVES her !!  

Monday, June 10, 2024

Summer so far

I get to go visit (tend) this little one tomorrow, until Friday.  Manda is in the middle of helping Dr. Conti get his office up and running, and I'm glad to help :)  
Tagg played in the Maroon and White scrimmage last Friday, and he is looking good !
Click here to see a video of his playing. 
We've got the Property all spruced up and looking good for the summer. Bring on the parties !! 

The garden is looking better.   I think we'll take the walls of water off this evening. 
I met a little friend of Bexlee's.  She is Penny Taylor's grand daughter. 
Rich Lawn Care is mowing like crazy !  Seems like we are refilling gas cans all the time. 
They put the dam in the creek, and it was too high, and blew out...........

My sunset picture was featured on KSL !!! 
We've got 24 inches in the wet well.  Not enough to keep the sprinklers going continually, but we'll take what we can get. 
Thatcher is finished up with baseball.  He sure had a fun season.  Coach Lance Johnson was awesome with his team.  Recreation ball was never so fun !  Thatcher played first until they figured out he did such a great job at catcher.  It seemed he always had a smile on his face :)  And that's what counts in my book.  His hitting improved, and he even got a home run (on errors) ! 
Click here for a video 
How many men does it take to set Grandma's sprinklers?  


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