Friday, May 24, 2024

Last part of May


Cash went to another fun place to play - I think in this pic, he's in a wind tunnel sort of contraption.  Looks like he's enjoying it !  With Manda working from home, they have hired a Nanny, and they are working through all that it entails.  Cash is trying to get used to it.   They are back in full swing in the pool now, but I haven't got any pics yet (hint hint Manda). 

Josiah celebrated his 20th birthday on May 22nd :)  
So glad he is home !!  
Miss Bentley had the impacted wax cleaned from her ears.  She had to be put out for this quick procedure.  Landon said she did really well with it all. 
This sweet girl sent me this selfie the other night, as we conversed through a bunch of texting.  She is getting to be quite the dancer, and has tried out for Academy Dance team.  Sure hope she makes it !  
The hills are so pretty and green, but it hasn't really warmed up too much.  We still don't have water in our hole, and can't water the lawn yet.  Sure hope it comes in soon. 
We did get a little garden planted, but it's a sad sight, and we will probably have to replant the peas.  All of the tomatoes, and peppers froze the other night, and will have to be replanted too :(
This weather !!!  
Two old fogies.........
Grandma flew to Michigan with Bryce for...........
Easton's graduation.  Way to go Easton !!
He is Kelly's boy.  Also in this picture is Shaylie, Kelly's youngest. 
Me and Mom and LuAnn went to the Layton Temple Open House. 
Mother's Day pics.  We gathered at Grandma D's for ice cream sundaes.
Aaron, Tagg, Mark, Dev, Dad, Dax, Zac, Thatcher (in front), Dallin, Rog, and Treyson.
And the girls.........
Me, Mom, Carrie, Erika, and CJ
Family Picture
Rich Bunch

Treyson went to the Last Chance Dance - 70's style

So did Tagg

Zac and CJ sold their big laser, and are getting all the "firewood" bundled up in hopes of selling them out in front of Grandpa and Grandma's house.  Cleaning out the barn, looking forward to another major overhaul/remodel. 
Treyson still hitting the gym hard.  He starts work on Sunday at WPR.  Sure hope that works out great for him.  
Thatcher is playing baseball on a Morgan Co. Rec team.  Bode Nelson, his good friend is on the team.  He has played first, and catch, and even got in a little pitching. 
Not sure who they all are, except for Bode and Thatcher.
Treyson graduated from Seminary

And Treyson graduates tonight - 7pm at the Dee Events Center.
Watch for pics and neat video tomorrow. 

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