Monday, July 31, 2023

Recap of the rest of July


Zac and Landon hiked to Kings Peak (tallest mountain in Utah) with Stan Durrant
Landon and Kacey went to Tenerife off the coast of Africa for a trip that Landon won for the good job he did at his work. 
Payson finished up baseball
The girls spent alot of time at Grandma Carol's why mom and dad were gone. 
Payson hiking with cousins

Hike to the "M" with cousins and Grandpa Gary.  Bex hiked all the way by her self !! 
This cutie loves to SMILE
Grandpa Gary, Pays and Good on the way to the "M"
Landon and Kacey and family with the Brooks at Park City
Milk Barn Creamery opened !!  
We love it AND the Rose family
Grandpa cooked us breakfast on July 4th
The garden is growing
I'm doing  Crossfit.  
I did it from March to the end of July, then quit because I'm just too fat.
Need to lose some weight.  
Mom and Dad got new shingles
We got Grandma Ben a holder for her flag at her new duplex apartment.  She's still getting used to it. 
Football kickoff dinner, and introduction of players, and silent auction, etc. etc. 
Thatcher finished up baseball
And played a little bit of flag football
Pays was able to help with the Yardmasters at Goldenwest
Treyson spends many hours at the gym
Trip to LAVA With Grandma Shirlee and Grumpy
Floats down the creek
Together at the Property
July 4th was just Thatcher, and us, and Zac and CJ
Thatcher and CJ went with Tracy and family and friends to Bear Lake and saw The Little Mermaid at the Pickle Valley Playhouse.
Thatcher had a great time in the water. 
Shooting bows every week with Stan and Matt Slate
Happy 65th birthday to Grandpa Roger
Tagg went with a friend on a fishing camping trip in Idaho or Wyoming.......we're not for sure where, and neither was he !   HAHA

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