Saturday, September 14, 2019

September So Far

My parents - I sure love them.
I know they appreciate us, and I hope they know that we do all we can for them because of their example to their own parents.    Mom is going to be having a hip replacement at the end of October, we sure hope this helps with her pain.
More cleaning out of the Welch Ditch Dam.  This is a continual process. 
The boys found this huge caterpillar down at the Property one evening.  They had fun playing with it before they took it over and put it on a tree. 
We've sure had some beautiful SUNSETS................
and SUNRISES.......................
Bright sure loves LOLA :)
I was able to watch Brightyn and Bexlee one afternoon at their home.  We waited for Payson walk home after the bus, then we headed up to Morgan.  
I brought down some construction paper and crayons that I had won at the Tonks Family Reunion, and some pictures I had made into prints.  Brightyn makes me feel so loved and special.  She is a sweet girl. 
When we went to Morgan, we stopped by Grandpa and Grandma D's to wait for Grandpa Roger to finish mowing the Property.  The kids were amazed at the huge sunflowers we had planted.  We have since taken then down and fed the huge heads to our chickens so they could eat the seeds they produce. 
They had been relaying asphalt on Morgan Valley Drive in front of our home.  We were inconvenienced for a couple of days, but the road sure is nice.  They only problem is the slant coming up from our driveways.......and many others.  One of these years the road is literally going to be 10 feet above our homes I'm afraid.
Feeding the chickens is always so much fun.  
And of course Miss Piggy has to eat too!  Brightyn petted her, and was amazing at how the hair on her back were so sharp and hard.   Miss Piggy is a little intimidating, but Bright is brave :)
Not so Bexlee and the goats.  She didn't see them behind her, and when they started nibbling on her shirt she LOST IT !!
No worries, she will grow up and love them as she gets older. 
Roger filling all of his gas cans for mowing lawns.
He uses non-ethanol gas, and gets it at Maverick at the mouth of the canyon.  This is better for the machines he runs it in. 
Treyson is wearing #44, Grandpa Roger's old number. 
Good job Bud!
At Payson's baseball game at Rohmer Park in Washinton Terrace.
We had a SNOWMOBILE FRIEND party at the Property. 
It was so much fun to get together and reminisce about the good old days.......
We need to do the YEARLY, instead of every 4-5 years.  
We had SUCH a huge rainstorm this past week.  I don't think I've ever see it rain so hard.  
Zac is making some modifications to his back yard, installing a hydrant by the chicken coop, and preparing to put more sod down.  Tagg is his trusty helper today. 
Cam is going to Homecoming !
She and Josiah have become REALLY good friends ;)
Landon and Kacey had a surprise FALL into their yard.
The wind took out a neighbor's dead tree.  It couldn't have come down in a better place.  Missed the playhouse, trampoline and deck.  
The Yard Masters + 2
On Labor Day, Zac was off, so he and Thatcher helped Roger and Crew with the lawns.  Roger said he was SO SO SO happy when he pulled over there and there they all were, all SMILES. 

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