Friday, November 4, 2011

Between work, family history, making quilts, roofing.............

..........I want to remember Amanda's daily phone calls and emails to me. Lately they have been on the increase as the BIG DAY approaches. She is nervous, excited, worried, needs reassurance and advice.......none of these emotions relates to her decision to marry, but about all of the planning and preparation it takes to pull off the wedding of her dreams. She and Bren have handled all of the details and decisions and finances, and we are so happy and proud of them. They are working hard and making good choices for themselves and their children and their future. Amanda is wise beyond her years. She "gets" me, and even though we have different views on major life issues, we are there for each other, and we don't judge or force our views on each other. Amanda is a good listener, and I feel I can tell her my feelings, and she is SMART !  I always value her insight on things that I am overlooking in myself.  Amanda was raised as the "first child", and received all of the good/bad things that come along with that. She turned out great, despite the mistakes of her mom (mostly) and her dad. She is VERY RESPONSIBLE, and is a wonderful daughter and mother. I love you Manda (please move closer :)

...........I want to remember Zac's lastest project - THE ROOF. It seems he always has a project, and we are always there to help him. That is what we do. Kimbal said the other day, "One thing about the Rich's they are always there to help each other out". That is true. Honestly, we interact and socialize with Zac's little family almost exclusively in a WORK situation/project/environment - and IT IS FUN !! It makes me smile when Zac is happy. His whole face lights up with that lop-sided grin, and he teases and makes off-hand remarks, and I love to be around him when he's like that. He is definately a PROJECT MANAGER, and he's great at it. He has no problem lining me and Roger out, and I love it. I love to make pizza for Zac. It's one of his favorites, and I know he likes to get the call, "Why don't you guys come on up for pizza!". Sometimes Zac and I get on each others nerves. I suppose this is because we are the most alike. I could psychoanalyze our relationship all day long (but I won't).......we both need to work on not worrying so much and always dreaming up the worst case scenarios. I suppose we can blame that on Grandma Dickson (with the chickens), and Grandpa D. (Lee). Hey ! it just occurred to me, Zac has chickens and is loving it ! Maybe one day he'll be known as Grandpa Rich (with the chickens). I love you Zachary, please be patient with me as a mom.

...........I want to remember the frequent times Landon tells me about his day and I can hear the excitement and pleasure and thankfulness in his voice as he talks about his new position at work. He is so busy and learning so many different things and loving it. He tells me about his goals, and I know he wants to be a good provider for his family. Landon is a pleaser and peacemaker and a positive person. He truly wants to make everyone happy, makes sure you are okay with things, and is concerned about feelings. He is a light in our family, to each one of us. He makes us smile. He is excited to be a father, and I look forward to seeing his son in his arms. Landon is a hugger, and I always get a hug from him. I love those hugs. His brother and sister would  tell you that I baby him, and I won't deny it. He will always be my "baby". In fact, a funny story - the other day we were on the top of Zac's roof working, and I was concerned that Landon wasn't warm enough, and I kept asking him if he wanted me to get him a coat or sweatshirt, and Zac turned to me with this wry cockeyed grin and said, "For Pete's sake, he's a BIG BOY, if he's cold he'll get on something warmer". We all started laughing, Zac, Roger, my Dad, me AND Landon. It's just the way it is - mama worrying about her baby boy. Love you Lando !!

I want to remember Bren's notice (and pleasure) of my conversation with the "crab catchers" on the beach in Cali. His love of Camaro's, and computers, and catching the bad guys who commit financial fraud.

I want to remember CJ's happy, adventurous and carefree attitude, and how excited she is about Edward and Bella's upcoming wedding  (Let the feather's fly !)

I want to remember Kacey's care of her mom for the past few weeks - what a great daughter.  She'll be a great help to Landon as he takes care of me in his old age (haha) - didn't know you signed up for that, huh Kacey?

I want to remember Cam's joy when she sees us after a long absence, and trying to be strong and hide her tears when the time is over :(
I want to remember Cameron's excitement at the gift of the new lego character that he didn't have already, and how he likes to tease Roger :)
I want to remember Treyson's non-stop talking, and love of stories about monsters and dinosaurs and all things scary.
I want to remember Tagg's hugs and lispy talk, as he says, "sawree gwamma", and the curly hair, and stubbornness.

I want to remember these feelings of excitement - We are getting TWO NEW GRANDBABY BOYS!!  I've been trying out names on the parents, but so far there are no takers for......SLADE, REED, CONNER, TUCKER, TALON, TALMAGE...........oh well, what's a Grandma to do ? :) - I guess just keep remembering and documenting so that we can all remember these days of our lives.

Thanks to Stephanie for this idea :)

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