Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween, but no pics yet.....

Roger worked on Halloween, I went to the temple, and then shopping. We met for dinner at Chili's. When we got home, we put out the pumpkins we had carved the night before. CJ did a BAT, Zac did a HAUNTED HOUSE, and Treyson and I had done a silly face on two pumkins. Roger had tended Tagg, who had a SUPER BLOWOUT........ funny funny.

Anyway, here's what the grandkids did. Zac and CJ took the two little boys, Treyson as Spider Man, and Tagg as a little spider, around the town. They got lots of treats and had a really good time.

Camryn, who was dressed as Hex Girl, got sick........... Yup, the fumes from the blue and black hairspray made her sick in the morning, so she stayed home from school. But it got better ! She recovered, and was able to go trick or treating last night with her cousins.

We didn't have ONE trick or treater. I guess that's what you get when Wonder Bread gets stingy, and quits making those cute little loaves of Bread. When we were passing that out, we had TONS !! We were the place to go ! That about wraps it up. Hope you had a good one!

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