Monday, September 15, 2008

38 years ago today.............. little sister Tonya was born. She was the baby in our family, with an older brother and two older sisters. I was 9 1/2 when she was born. It's funny how memories fade over the years..... I used to like to take her out of sacrament meeting when she got restless, and we would walk home. I don't ever remember her being a pest - that was reserved for my brother Mark :) She was 7 years old when I was married, and she thought Roger was pretty neat. She was a good babysitter for Manda and Zac when she got older. She was very athletic, and was a good gymnast and volleyball player.

Tonya was killed in a car accident, one week after she graduated from high school. She was 17. I was 8 months pregnant with Landon.

I think of her, and wonder how she would have lived her life. Would she be married now? in Morgan? I look forward to the day when I will see her again. I love her. Families are FOREVER.

This is a very special picture to me. It was taken at the Provo MTC, on the day my brother left on his mission. This is the last picture we have of Mark and Tonya together.


Stacy said...

What a great tribute to your sister. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed. I did not know that you were pregnant with Landon when her accident happened. That really puts things into perspective.

Nice post, Gwen.

Bettinson Bunch said...

I couldn't have said it better! I'm copying it to my blog! Of course, I will give credit where credit is due! Thanks!

Our Family said...

My goodness I can't believe it has been that long ago! I remember when I was younger, I used to go spend the night at your mom and dad's house with Tonya. We had so much fun! And I didn't realize her birthday is just 4 days after mine! That was a really neat post about her. And I love the pic! She was a beautiful girl.

alotalot said...

I remember when that happened. Would it make you feel better to know that I still think about her every time I hear of a young person dying in car accident? Tonya was a year ahead of me in school and I knew her a little bit, the way all kids in Morgan know each other. I remember feeling so sad when she died. I think I still have the Morgan News article in a scrapbook somewhere, now that I think of it.


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