Thursday, June 1, 2006

June 2006

June 13, 2006

This past month we had an exciting expedition with our Youth Conference - Part 2.  The Young Men and Young Women who participated had a GREAT time !  They Young Women were involved a week before, making bandannas for the event.  You could really feel the Spirit of being in a group together with a purpose.  45 bandannas were made by 7-8 girls, and a few leaders.  Thanks to Sister Andrea Whittington and Sister Diane Chappell for sharing their time and sergers, and also Sister Lynelle Rich, who "sacrificed" her iron press for the "cause".  We began our hike at Brother Otis Rose's home, hiking West into the Richville Range.  Thanks also to Taelynn Gleason, Kacie Chappell, Deborah Peay, Colton Walker, Tim Peay, and Skyler Wheelwright for sharing their ancestor's stories as we hiked to Spring Hollow, where the activities began.  We played games, shot bow and arrows (Thanks to Brother Jeff Streadbeck and Brother Farrell Oldroyd), and probably the most fun of the day was had in building two towers by lashing logs together. Two different teams competed with each other to see who could get their tower up first, and then lash their decorated flag to the top of the tower !  The test came when everyone climbed on the towers to see if they would hold.  One of the towers appeared to have a small problem with tipping, but then it was discovered that the bishopric was intentionally lifting up a corner...tsk.tsk. Everyone had a great time, and the rain wasn't too bad, just cooling things off a little (4-5 times) as the days activities progressed. The day ended with a delicious Dutch oven dinner prepared by Kent Whitaker, Georgia Mikesell, and Virginia Burwell.  Thanks also to Korey Whitaker for hauling dinner up to us, without spilling a drop !!    A special thanks to the Richard Wiscombe and all of his hard work in making this day special, and also to his relatives for allowing us to use their property. The evening ended with remarks by Bishop Birt, as he urged us to write in our journals, so that we could pass our histories on to our descendants.


June 18, 2006

Dear Dad,

Happy Father’s Day !  I couldn’t think of anything to get you that you REALLY needed, so I decided to write you a letter.  I remember on Mother’s Day, getting “stuff/fluff” from my kids, and what I would have liked best of all was just a note from them, telling me what I meant to them.

I am proud to have you for my dad.  You have taught me many things over the years.  I remember once we were planting potatoes in the garden when I was 8 or 9 probably, and I said to you, “Dad, this is sure TED e us work, isn’t it?”  And you said, “It sure is”, and then you very kindly told me how to say the word tedious correctly, and then you told me about the time you mispronounced “superfluous” when you were a college student.  I just retold this story last week at Youth Conference, and the kids got a big kick out of it.

I can remember the camping trips, fishing trips, picnics up Hardscrabble, hiking to the M, sitting on the front porch watching thunderstorms, jumping on the BIG inner tube you got for us at that surplus sale, the neatest playhouse in Morgan, waking up and hearing the cement mixer going on Saturday mornings, stories at night about the Contripitor, while you scratched my back.

You have taught me honesty and hard work and dedication.  You have been such an example to me as you have gone on a mission and dedicated yourself to Heavenly Father’s work and children, even though you haven’t felt the best physically. 

My plan is to endure to the end, and endure it well – just like you are doing.  I love you very much.  Thank you for being such a wonderful father, I am proud to be your daughter.  Thank you for teaching my kids also.  I feel as though I have a miniature YOU in Zac.  I am so glad he has picked up so much of your “know-how”.  I will always do my best to make you proud of me, and represent our family name well.

Love Gwen 


June 18, 2006

Dear Zac,

Happy Father’s Day !!  I just wanted to tell you that your dad and I think you are doing a wonderful job at being a father.  Sometimes it is not easy, and it WILL get harder, especially as  Treyson starts to talk and walk and express his independence and individuality, but we know you are up to it !   It give us great joy to see the love you show to your family.  You are such a hard worker, and we know you will ALWAYS provide for them and take care of them.  Remember what I told you the other day, and don’t work TOO hard – take time to “smell the roses”.


We love you !

June 27, 2006

I haven’t written for so long it seems.  I’ve been in a funk of some sort.  Weight is way back up, no energy.  I have started walking with Deb Kinsey this past week, and hopefully I can get on track this way.  Sometimes it feels like my life is spinning out of control, and I eat food (white bread) to fill some hole there.  I’m not reading the Book of Mormon like I should.  Grab a clue Gwen !!  

I’m stressing I guess about Landon and his college plans…………..  He is working two shifts at nights for Rosehill Dairy, and then all day 5 days a week for Farrell Oldroyd building cabinets.  He is trying to fit in baseball with the ‘Canes.  We had a nice day trip to Rupert Idaho, and Rog went to St. George to watch some games.  Coach “K” has his “favorites” though, and Landon isn’t a suck up.  He needs to improve his hitting !!!  Defensively catching he’s great.  

Josh Wilson got his mission call to Leeds England, and Jake Blazzard is going to Mexico City Mexico.  Landon still had another year !!  I hope he keeps his sights on a mission.  I worry about it so, with him going off to college.  Got a call from Treasure Valley Community College in Ontario Oregon (1 hour past Boise Idaho) Sunday.  The coach, Rick Bauhman is very interested in Landon playing for them, but no scholarship monies are available……… we will have to fork out approx. $9,000.  I guess we’ll get a loan I guess.  The Utah schools have not taken ANY interest in him, and a college in Rangely Colorado seems interested – Northwestern Community College, but Treasure Valley is a premier Junior College for baseball. I’m stressing so badly about him going up there all alone, I know it will be good for him, but will he stay strong in the gospel, and close to Heavenly Father??     

Bishop Fisher and Julia went into the MTC a couple of days ago, and report to Billings MT on July 1st.  Landon has been going to the singles ward here in Morgan.  He likes that.  I got my assessment roll done by June 10, and now my biggest stress besides Landon’s college plans is Girl’s Camp in July.  Landon is out right now on a milk run in Layton – I hope things are going great.  

Another stressor is Manda planning on going back to Arizona – probably in January.  What will we do with little Camryn in our daily lives?  Oh how I wish Manda would be happy and satisfied in Utah.  She says that she is doing it for Camryn, so that she can have more of a relationship with her dad, but I think that is just an excuse for wanting to go back, and to get out of Utah.  She has SUCH an excellent job here, and if she could get an apartment on her own I think she’d be much more happier, but NO – she wants to uproot once again, and go back to Arizona, where she will not have the support system she has here……….. will have to get a new job, new place to live, new babysitter for Camryn……….WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can’t she see how hard that will be.  I can’t even think about it it makes me so sad and mad.  Zac and CJ are thinking of adding on to there home – always something (project). 

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