Sunday, May 1, 2005

May 2005

May 3, 2005 - Letter to Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia
I'm sitting here, wishing to hear from you, and then I realize that I haven't been very good at writing to you!!  Sorry !!  Let's see..................  what's been going on in our lives.

Roger is loving his work as usual (HAHA)  He had to get up in the middle of the night (2 a.m) because one of his driver's had been arrested and thrown in jail because of a falsified driving log. The highlights in Roger's life are of course, Camryn and watching Landon's baseball. All the stress from his job wears him down, and he's usually asleep in his chair by 8:30 p.m.

Amanda has about 44 days left of school.  She has done well, and is at the top of her class.  She won't know about the externship (where she goes) until June.  We walk everyday (that it's not raining!) on the walking path. She struggles with her emotions, and gets down easily.  Jim is not making things any better, as he has now refused to let her have full custody, but want's joint custody, and will fight "to his dying breath" for this.  She (it seems to me) gives in so easily, wanting to not have contention, and wanting Camryn to have a relationship with her dad.  She is planning on taking Camryn down to Phoenix for the weekend, over the 20-22 of this month.  

I am going to St. George this weekend (7-8), but not next weekend, and me and Manda will celebrate Camryn's birthday (May 12th) on the 13th, as we are going to go to SLC, to Hogle Zoo, and shopping, etc. 

Zac is always working on a project !!  Let's see.  He's got his heat ducting all in for his upstairs, and it's now connected to his furnace.  That was quite a job.  He and Shawn Prescott worked on it most of the day last Saturday.  He has the ditch all piped, head gates in, and grates on the head gates, pipe all in down the side of his house, with little pipes coming up (2 1/2 inch)that he has capped, which can be opened to get the side if needed.  He's got a sprinkling systems all in the front and side.  The curbing people are coming Thursday.  Rain gutter people are coming next week.  Hydro-seeding people next week also.  He's got the walls (next to the driveway) that we did while you two were here, and the wall out front, and a front step leading down to the sidewalk...............It's looking very very nice.

CJ is still working, and has decided to get her CNA also.  She got her pharmacy tech license, but hasn't worked in that area yet.  She and Zac will find out whether or not they are getting a little boy or little girl on Thursday. We'll let you know !!

Landon is still going full throttle at baseball.  They will go into the first round of the State playoffs this weekend, in third place in our Region.  They will have a double header on Saturday in St. George.  If they lose both games, they are out,  If not, they'll be BACK to St. George on the 12th (Camryn's Birthday) to play again.  We'll have to see how it goes.  Somedays they look real good, and others, the BAD NEW BEARS.  Landon plays a good game consistently, and is batting 300+.  He usually throws at least 2 runners out a game, at either 2nd or 3rd, or gets them coming home. He does well in school, and is in the National Honor Society besides all of his sports.  I hope he can go far in life in both directions.

I'm still buried at work, but slowly digging out.  I'll be glad when May is over, because it HAS to be done by then. Young Women is fun, but a lot of work !!  We are decorating cakes (with Vicki Walker's help) tonight.  Last week we did gold leaf pictures, and the week before, made lip gloss.  I took Breanne Wilson's senior pictures last weekend, and they turned out good.  I'm also working on "photo slide shows" of wrestling kids, to give them as Senior gifts.  We will go to Temple Square on the 12th, to plant flowers with the young women.  I'm excited about this !!

The weather has been raining on and off, and the River is high.  There has been some flooding in Peterson, but not too bad.  East Canyon was running pretty high too - but they have started holding it back now, but Bud Carter says they let too much out, and unless we get a lot more rain, it won't fill.  It still has 15 feet to go, and is going up 2 inches per day. Yesterday day I met with Dee Waldron, and that Daren Rasmussen from the State, and Shane Green (originally from Morgan) and Bud Carter, to walk the creek, and see the project that the church wants to do.  I hope it does not impact us negatively downstream. - they say it won't.   I guess this park is not going to be your typical church park, similar to Zarahemla, etc.  There is to be no mowed lawn, no asphalt, no concrete.  They are basically trying to create a floodplain that will allow the water to slow and the energy to dissipate.  They are not planning on disturbing the river bed itself, just sloping the ground around it.  I wish I could explain it better. It looks like their permit will be approved (surprise surprise).  From the walk yesterday it is quite a ways from our campground, more than I thought, so hopefully it will be okay. (They never did do this Church "camp")

See you later :)

May 6, 2005 -Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia

Dear Family,
Things are going well and we are now settled back into our schedule that seems to become busier each day.  The weather is HOT and should continue like this for several more weeks.  Lee it taking it a lot better than I am.  In fact, cold weather along with cold hands and feet sounds mighty good.  At 7:30 this morning it was already 86 degrees outside.  We hope all is well back home.  We miss all of you and think of you often.  Love, Elder and Sister Dickson

May 8, 2005 - Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia
Dear Gwen, Erika, Carrie,
Thanks for being such wonderful mothers to my grandchildren.  Have a good day. 
Love Dad

Dear Gwen, Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia

"HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" to my wonderful daughter.  I hope this day is as special for you as you are to me.  You are not only a caring Mother and Grandmother but an outgoing person and a very good friend to everyone.  I am so pleased with all that you are doing in the Church and the way you set your goals and accomplish them.  I don't think I will ever be able to memorize the statement of the Living Christ.  That is quite an accomplishment and you should be very pleased with yourself.  You will never know just how much joy you bring to Dad and I.  Thanks again for being our pride and joy.
Love,  Mom

Letter to Mom while on their mission to Cambodia
Happy Mother's Day to you too Mom
I've been thinking about you a lot today, and seem to miss you especially bad.  I'm sorry you will get this late, since I'm writing it at 7:37 p.m on Sunday (Mother's Day) - I know it it 9:37 a.m. on Monday morning there.  I hope you did not think I had forgotten you.  We were traveling back from St. George today.  We have been down there watching Landon play baseball in the playoffs.  Morgan went into the state playoffs as third in Region, and this past 2 days, they played two games, losing to Wasatch and winning Delta.  They will travel back there next Wednesday night for the rest of the state playoffs (Two games on Thursday).  If they were to take State, they would have to WIN 7 games in a row, over a three day period.  If they get beat once more, they are out, since it is double elimination. I won't be able to go, because Camryn's birthday is Thursday, and Manda has to work, and that is the day our Young Women are going to Temple Square to plant flowers, and MAYBE if they are still alive and will play on Friday, I will try and make it down for that game, we'll have to see !?!?!  I'm sorry I can't go, but I don't want to desert Manda and Camryn on her birthday, because even though Camryn wouldn't know, Manda would feel really bad. 

I love you very much, and miss you too.  I am very proud of you and dad, you set a great example for our family.  I know our family is and will be blessed because of your sacrifice.  Landon got up this morning, (he rode the bus home with the team last night and they got home a 3 a.m this morning) and we stayed down and came home today, and even without me here, Landon got up by himself and went to church!  I told him that was the best Mother's Day present I could ever ask for.  I don't know if Mark or Erika told you, but we are planting a tree down at the property in your honor for Mother's Day.  I hope that meets with your approval.  I will send a picture as soon as we get it in !  I hope you had a nice day.  You are the BEST MOM !! (I don't think we ever planted a tree?)
LOVE GWEN and family

May 10, 2005 -Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia
We are attaching a few pictures showing some of the meats that are available here in Cambodia.  You will see some show a variety of meats sold each morning in the market.  These are freshly slaughtered, probably killed that very morning so the meat would be good as long as it was cooked well.  However, we buy all of our meat at one of the more modern grocery stores.  If you look at various pictures you will see parts of pigs (head and feet), ducks, chickens, etc.  Also notice a large pan of locusts which were for sale at the Central Market. 

Two of the pictures need further explanation.  The other night as we were going to a wedding reception we passed by an open air eating establishment loaded with people and our driver said, "this is where they eat dog meat."  When we looked closely we could see a dog's head in one of the pans.  Of course we didn't have our camera with us.  Today, while returning from the Red Cross celebration we passed the same establishment.  This time we did have our camera and got a couple of pictures that we have included.  One of them shows a dog on a grate over a flame.  The hair is being burned off after which it will be scraped clean and butchered.  The other one shows a dogs head in a pan, notice the teeth and nose.  We didn't feel too much like eating our lunch after seeing this.  Maybe we could have a barbecue with certain dogs when we get home.  We asked Brother Som if they raised the dogs for this purpose but he said no, they just steal them off the street.  He has had two or three of his dogs disappear over the years and he thinks that they were taken for this purpose. 

We will close for now as it is past our bedtime but we just had to send these pictures to you.

Love Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa

Wed, 11 May 2005 Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia
Here I am, half-way around the world and still concerned about affairs at home.  We heard from Bruce concerning a meeting Zac and CJ attended for the LLC.  He mentioned that workdays were planned for the May 14th and June 4th.  If this is right, since I can't be there, please see that our family is represented.  Thanks.  Dad

 Reply to above:
Don't worry dad - we'll be there. Hey, there was a problem with your toilet in the main bathroom. It was not flushing right.  #1 would go down all right, but not #2.  Jason and Shelly had Zac come over and take a look at it, and Zac was just sure it was the toilet, so he got a new one, and put in on and the Dickson luck held true...............  Still would not flush, and even WORSE than before !!  He climbed up on the roof, just SURE it was the vents, stuck a hose down, but no luck -  He told Jason he would have to call Roto-Rooter.  They called them, and they snaked it down, and now it flushes like a charm !!  Sorry we did not try that before buying a new toilet.  Is it okay to pay from your account ?  It was $90.00.  Sorry.............
Love Gwen

May 11, 2005 - Letter from Amanda to Gwen
Hi mom
I was just checking in w/you to see how you where doing.  I have been really worried about you lately and I am hoping that it's just the pressures of your job, and your deadline.  I hope that you have called your Dr. and made an appointment. I am really worried about you and you better take me seriously.. dammit.. luv ya Amanda
I'm okay hon.  Just tired.  I don't have time to go to the doctor now.  We'll see how it goes after the end of May, and if I'm still messed up, I'll pursue it.  Thanks for worrying about me - you are the only one that does !! Love Mom

 That is not true.. everybody else is just a busy as you and don't have the time to notice... if you haven't gone to the Dr by the 1st week on June I am telling dad and we are going to make you... got it!!! Luv always Amanda 
ps I don't know if i will ever be able to repay you for what you have done for me and camryn... Thanks

May 13, 2005  Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia
Would one of you update me on Roger's farming and the weather and high-water situation. 
Thanks, Dad

May 14, 2005
Roger got the field behind Mark's house planted in alfalfa, and it is coming up beautifully !!  We have had rain rain rain and more rain
There is no flooding in Morgan (except at Peterson a little bit), and Roger said the other day he might not need to water ANYTHING before cutting first crop. 

I wish you could see Zac and CJ's yard.  If they could have gotten the seed or hydro-seed in, it would be doing great - IF it hadn't been washed away.  As it is now, it is still just dirt, waiting for a drying out period and then will be planted.  The weekend is supposed to be nice, and me and Camryn and Manda are going to the Hogle Zoo today (I'm taking off work)  It's supposed to rain again next week.  It's the wettest bunch of weather (historically) that we've had in a Lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time. 
Gotta run - take care - love you !!  Love Gwen

May 15, 2005  Letter to Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia

Dear Mom and Dad
Is everything there okay?  Haven't heard from you in awhile.

Today was a good day, as all Sunday's are.  Yesterday was awesome.  I had the opportunity to go to the Bountiful Temple and see Chris and Kimberly Mikesell and their three kids sealed together for time and all eternity.  Chris is Roy and Patsy's boy, and Kim is Morris and Merla Fife's daughter.  They have been married for 11 years.  They have 3 kids, Rory is about 8 years old, Megan is about 3,  and Tanner is about 15 months.  It was really special.  I had forgotten the words that are spoken, as far as saying they are sealed to you, just as if they were born in the covenant.  Then I went home, and got to go to a baptism for one of our Young Women - Sarah Sims.  She is 15, and has been coming to Young Women for a few years, and is friends with Danielle Durrant (Dave and Gayla's daughter) and Anne Robinson (you wouldn't know her parents). Sarah lives up Hardscrabble.  She was confirmed by the Bishop today in Sacrament, and the Young Women sang, "Walk Tall You're A Daughter Of God".  It was very very special.  Landon also helped out in Primary Sharing Time.  The lesson was on the Priesthood, and Landon talked about the Aaronic Priesthood.  I peeked in the back door so he couldn't see me, because I knew he would be nervous.  He did a great job.  He's such a great kid, and such a joy to be around.  Today we had Zac and CJ and Ben and Luann over for Camryn's birthday cake and ice cream.  We took pictures as she ate her own little cupcake !!  Earlier today she accidentally shut her finger in the french doors.  It was so sad, and she just screamed and screamed.  The end of her little finger was about smashed FLAT !!  No blood, but totally squished !!  I was pretty upset. It's a good thing Manda remained calm, because I was crying I felt so bad for her.  But it seems okay now. 

CJ starts her new job in Salt Lake on Thursday.  She will still be working for IHC, as a pharmacy tech, working with outpatients on their meds.  It is a DAY job !! - 9 to 6 Mon-Fri.  So she should miss the traffic.  It's on 2100 South, off of I-215. (I don't know if she ever took this job?)

Mark and his family went on a trip to Arizona to catch a Diamond Back game.  Now he's back in the ball games again, pretty hot and heavy.   There was a nice article on Jaden's Eagle Project in the Morgan County News, he fixed up the baseball field at the fairgrounds for WBBA to practice there.

Kelly and Michelle had a new baby about 6 weeks early.  He is doing well, they will name him Easton.  He weighed 5 lbs. 3 oz. and is still in the hospital.

Ella Barnum died a couple of days ago, we went to her viewing tonight.

Zac worked a long day up at Round Valley on Saturday.  They got there at 9 a.m., but Zac said they just stood around for a couple of hours before starting, and then worked till 5 p.m.  Roger and Landon and Mark were busy and couldn't help.  Zac said there were 10-20 people there, but mostly him and Richard and Troy and Michael did all the work.

Hogle Zoo was fun last Friday.  We went and drove up through the avenues while Camryn slept, and then went to Gateway for lunch, and then to the zoo, and home over Emigration Canyon and then to Parley's and over and home by Park City.

I head back to work tomorrow - fun fun.  Almost got the assessment roll finished.........  Hopefully this week will see the end of it.

It was a nice weekend as far as the weather, but it's supposed to rain again tomorrow. 

Write soon,
Love Gwen and family

May 16, 2005 Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia
We thought the grandkids would get a kick out of these pictures.
They were taken while we were in Bangkok (the end of March) at the Samphran Elephant Ground and Zoo.

These tigers were very big and I carefully held their tails up.  I don’t know what I would have done if they moved.

Grandpa got his picture taken with these two cute little elephants.  He bought some little bananas and fed them.  They really liked him.

I am feeding a baby elephant.  They sure can pick things up quick with their trunks.  It was hard to feed them and look at the camera at the same time.  I was afraid they would get my fingers mixed up with the bananas.  We had to wash our hands after feeding the elephants because they slobbered on their trunk when they put the food in their mouths and then the slobber got on us when we fed them again.

Grandpa is showing how big and strong he is with the alligator.  Doesn’t he look like a big game hunter?

After the elephant show we got to ride the elephants.  This was a big one and he still has the colorful coverings he wore during the show.  Even the trainer is dressed up fancy.

We are fine will write more later and send our journal.

Love, Grandma and Grandpa

May 22, 2005  Letter to Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia

Sorry I haven't written much lately - we have been so busy !
I miss hearing from you too !!  And I KNOW you two are busy busy.

Little tidbits of what has been happening.

Carrie's Grandpa Harrop died last night - I don't know the details, except I asked Devin on the phone if he had been sick, and he said, "No, he's just old..........."  I got a kick out of that.

We are is the process of getting our yard spruced back up after years of neglect.  I hope by the end of the summer it begins to look respectable.  We bought us a riding lawn mower yesterday - a Craftsman at Sears.

Spence had a group down at the property Friday night - I haven't heard how it went, but I'm sure just fine.

The dove is on the hill in Porterville, so maybe we'll escape flooding this year.  It has been really warm 80-90 these past few days.

Roger used your mower to mow down grass in the barnyard.

Manda and Camryn have been in Arizona for the past few days, celebrating her birthday with the Schutt's.

Manda will intern at a chiropractor's office in Layton, and probably get hired on there part-time  - 4 days a week.  (I don't think this happened)

CJ is going to her new job in Salt Lake now. 

Zac gave Richard Brown his two weeks notice, and will work for Dave Durrant and Matt Slate.

Baseball banquet is tomorrow night.  Graduation is this week also.

I have two Young Women, Lori London and Breanne Wilson who are graduating.  Next year, I'll have 11 seniors !!!

Zac and CJ's yard is just beautiful.  We'll have to send some pics.  He has worked sooooooooooo hard on it.

Well I need to get ready to go to a meeting.

Please write back and tell me if Dad is feeling better, and also you mom.  Are you both able to keep up health-wise with what you need to do?  Are you tired a lot, or managing okay?  I worry when I don't hear from you.

I love you both very much, and miss you too.  I'm glad it's only another year.  I can't believe 6 months have passed by so quickly.  Hopefully the next 12 will go by that fast too.

Love Gwen

5/22/05  Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia
Dear Family,

They have given us a lot to do but My excuse for not writing is that I don't type.  Mom is off to the Service Center where she is entering data on membership records.  I'm sure she has it all in her journal which she will be sending soon.  Then at 1pm she goes to teach English while I go visit a bank about loans to start-up businesses.  Tonight we go to an open house for our drivers daughter and her family that have just moved into a new home.

Sorry to hear about Carrie's Grandpa.  Thank heaven for the gospel and our knowledge of the Plan of Salvation.  It makes death so much easier to deal with. 

Hope Manda gets back safely and that everything is going well for her with her new job.  Richard will really miss Zac and I hope CJ tolerates the drive to her new job.  Even though I am far away I still worry about each one of you.  Let us know what the family is doing, especially the grand kids.  Send those pictures of Zac's yard.

It sounds like things are happening down by the creek.  Have you got the sprinkling systems going?  Mark, does the mower work ok after a winter off?  Also were you able to find the old laptop computer?  Keep us up on what the boys are doing.

Erika, thanks for your update on your family.  It sounds like you are tooooooo busy.  Hope that Aaron's allergy soon clears up.

We are both fine so don't worry about us.  As Gwen mentioned in her last e-mail, six months has gone by very quickly and before we know it we will be back home.

Keep the e-mail coming, we check it several times each day in hope we will hear from you.

Love Dad

5/24/05  Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia
Dear Family and Friends, 

Here we are once again with the happenings of the past week.  Attached are pictures of the house that Brother Som has been building for his daughter and son-in-law.  Notice the different stages as it progresses along.  Because labor is so cheap bricks are laid to form the walls.  The walls are then plastered and painted.  The inside floors are almost always ceramic tile.  The house is narrow and long (approximately 15 feet by 40 feet) with the living room in front serving as a garage at night.  The hallway down the left side leads to two bedrooms with the kitchen and bathroom in the back. 

We hope all is well back home.  Love, Elder and Sister Dickson.

5/29/05 Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia
Just a few recent pictures.  One is of a bicycle pulling a trailer, usually it is a small motorcycle and there are hundreds on the street.  Another is of your mother in a kongbei, Brother Som was in an accident and was unuable to drive one day and this is how we got around.  The driver's name is Phat.  Again there are hundreds of them on the street.  The third picture is of a street vendor cooking her goods to be sold on the street about a block from where we live.  She is there every time that we go by whether it is morning, afternoon or evening.  We don't dare sample her offerings and we don't know what she is cooking but it looks pretty good.  You can see that Mom is well and happy.

We are just getting ready to go to church, it is 7:20 Sunday morning here and our driver will pick us up in about twenty minutes.  We hope you have a nice Memorial Day weekend.  Keep in touch, we love to hear from you.

Love, Mom and Dad (Grandpa and Grandma)

 5/29/05 Letter to Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia

Hi mom and dad.  Well, it’s been a pretty uneventful Memorial Day weekend.  I got the flowers put up on the graves, including grandmas and grandpas (both).  Our yard is looking better and better.  Poor Zac is having a time with his grass planting……….  First of all he plants it, and then Cannon on the corner decides to water, and it spills out all over Zac’s front yard (this is about 2 hours AFTER he plants it!)  I was ready to kill !!!
Then Lee’s on the other side water, and THEIR head gate leaks so bad, that it comes onto Zac, so Zac diverts it down the side pipe to the back yard, and it spills over and wets his BACK yard that he is trying to get ready to plant.  Then Daisy Brimley (in back) waters, and it spills over in the back yard too………….. Then Uncle Ray waters, and instead of shutting off the water up at the main ditch !!  He pulls the headgate and sends it DOWN the ditch !!  And back on Zac’s backyard again !!!!!  The main headgate up on the corner (on 100 S.) is so poorly done.  It does not seal, and water is always leaking by.  Zac is pretty discouraged, but I told him to look on the bright side – IF he EVER does get his grass planted, he won’t have to water it – HIS NEIGHBORS will do it for him !!!

Amanda only has 10 more days of school, and then she starts her externship at the chiropractor’s.  Landon starts summer ball on Tuesday.   Roger is thinking that it will be hay cutting time soon.  We are also going to get the watering at the property set up tomorrow.  We got us a riding lawnmower, so we can help Mark mow the property too.  Boy that is a full time job, as well you know.  Do you care if we get some weed and feed, or maybe just some weed killer to put on it? Mark says there is more weeds than grass. 

I am now working on the Morgan Trojan Football Program, getting ads sold, and layout put together, etc.  It is a big job that I wish I HAD NOT said I would do…….  Oh well, we’ve all got to help out – right?

Better go for now.  Thanks for the quick notes dad, and we LOVE the pics !!  Also, I’m passing your journal as I get it, on to Aunt Maisie and Uncle Ray (printing the pages) because they don’t get email.

Take care, work hard, DO GOOD !!!

LOVE Gwen and family

5/31/05 - Letter from Mom and Dad on their mission to Cambodia
Dear Family and Friends,
These are some pictures and our journal.  Hope you enjoy them. 

Love, Elder and Sister Dickson.

The attached pictures are: (0392) A bread vendor that you see everywhere along the streets.  Since their product is completely exposed all day long we don't dare buy any.  (0659 and 0661) These look like lobsters and it would probably be alright to eat them right after they are cooked but after she carries them around all day on her head, we don't buy any of these either.  This was on the beach in Sihanoukville.  (1023)  The group of young elders that went with us to the Hong Kong Temple.  (1849) This is the young man that helped on our boat tour of the three islands while we were in Sihanoukville.

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