Monday, January 1, 1996

January 1996

1996 Calendar

6 - Hockey?
9 - dinner at mom's
10 - Landon's show and tell "favorite T-shirt"
13 - Dinner at Annette's
18 - Ben Heart Attack
19 - Deliver bed?
21 - Inservice

During 1995 I taught the Star B (7 year olds who would be turning 8), in 1996 I switched and started playing the piano in Primary for the Senior Sharing time and singing time.  In July when Landon turned 8, I started with cub scouts (wolves), along with my Sunday playing.

Landon is having problems with urination.  I called the Urologist.

24 - cow killed
25 - Parent teach conf. - Landon
27 - Republican dinner
27 - Linda dinner

January 18, 1996 (This is a postcard that LuAnn Rich wrote to us while she was on a cruise to the Virgin Islands)
Dear Rog, Gwen and Kids,  I am having a good time, always busy.  I don't know if I would make a very good sailor.  Check on Dad.  Love Mom

January 1996

I planned a day to go on a "Gypsy Jaunt" with the kids.  My mom used to take me and my brother and sisters on them when we were little.  You make up a bunch of notes, and then go for it!

We're going to have a FUN day,
On our Gypsy Jaunt.
Please try to be happy all the time.
Tell mom to stop at Parkside and get gas,
and then open the next clue.

Take this money, and go in and buy you a treat!
You've been good, and you deserve it!
Tell mom to get on the freeway,
And head out toward Ogden.
When you get in the canyon,
Open the next note.

Which way should we go?
Which way should we go?
Head towards Salt Lake, and turn right at the water towers that say
"Layton Surf and Swim"
Open your next clue.

Stay on this road, until you come to the main street.
Turn right, and drive and look for the sign that says,
"R.C. Willey's this way"!
Turn on that road, and open your next clue.

Go straight to R.C. Willey's
Do not stop, Do not pass go!
Open your next clue when you pull in the parking lot.

Go in the store, and look for something
It is something you sleep on,
Queen size, and twin.
When you are finished in the store,
Open the next clue in the car.
(We bought Zac a new mattress and springs, because his water bed had sprung a leak)

This time head NORTH, to Antelope Drive, and turn LEFT,
Keep going, going, going,
Don't fall off the road and get WET!!!
You will be going somewhere you have NEVER
been before!
Mom hasn't been there since she was a little girl.
Open you next clue when you get there.

Get in your mom's purse and get out he UTAH PASSPORT BOOK,
If the park is open, find someone to STAMP your passport.
Look around and have fun.  When you are ready to go, open your
next clue.

NOW you should head back towards Ogden. 
Take the 24th street exit, and find a place where
trains stop.  Park and open your next clue.

(The kids were hungry, so we picked up a couple of pizzas at Little Caesars in Clearfield, and took them to Roger's work and ate there.)

You will need to get your passport stamped here also!!
Don't forget!!
Look around and have fun!
Open your next clue when you are done .

(We didn't end up going to Union Station, but got our passport stamped at the Ogden Park Hotel instead)

Go to your dad's work and say HI, ask him if he wants to go to lunch with you!!
Arby's sound good, and it's just up the street!
Open your next clue when you get done eating.

Now we will head for a CROSS, ?? a what? you say??
It is on Washington Boulevard, heading north, on your right. 
You must park behind it, and go in the back door.
Buy a pair of pants, size 29-34
When you get back in the car, open your next clue.

Drive straight up the boulevard towards home.
When you see a McDonalds on your right, turn onto he next street to your left!!
Drive around the block, mom knows where to go.
Hopefully it will be about 1:30, and you will have your
EYE'S OPENED, with GOLD!!  Open your next clue when you get there.

Hope you have had a nice day on the Gypsy Jaunt. Enjoy the movie and then head for home.  Mom loves you! 
(We went and saw Golden-eye at the Country Club Theater)

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