Wednesday, October 1, 1980

October 1980 -from my journal

October 1980

2 - Mandy started on meats
4 - Buy Goldfleck hunting permit
7 - Temple class
8 - Homemaking
I am cleaning Loosli's home on Thursdays
10 - Amanda's doctor's appt.  14 pounds 12 ounces  25 inches long
11 - taco party
14 Deanne & Malan Johnson get married
17  - visiting teaching
18 - deer hunting
28 Relief Society Work night

October 1, 1980

Boy I can't believe it's October already.  Time sure goes by fast.  I can't remember if I told you this, but Roger and I made a deal about 2 weeks ago.  We got on the scales and I weighed about 141 pounds, and he weighed 135 pounds.  Well I just felt terrible, and so we got talking about it and we decided that if I could lose down to 125 pounds, that Roger would quit smoking cold turkey! Well you can imagine how excited I was, and from that day on I have kept to a very strict diet, and I've been exercising also.  Guess what!?  I'm down to 130 pounds.  I'm so excited for the day when  I'll weigh 125 pounds and Roger will then quit smoking!  Hurrah!!  He is still at work now, and it's 10:52 p.m.  He should be home anytime now.  All last night he suffered and had a toothache.  Finally at 3 a.m., he took a Percodan and it zonked him out.  This morning I called and made him a dentist appointment.  Roger went over and Dr. Crowther did a root canal ($75.00),  we don't have insurance, but Rog just can't suffer all the time. The Ensign came in the mail yesterday.  I just love reading all the stories and articles.  I'm helping to make a Quiet Book for the Election Dinner and Bazaar on the 4th of November.  Debi Rees is in charge, and she's getting different women to help her.  She is so nice.  Her little new baby is just a month old today.  They named her Allison.  She sure is cute. She reminds me of Amanda!  In Relief Society, they gave us empty garment boxes, and we're suppose to decorate them any way we want, and there will be a prize given for the best one.  I'm really excited about doing mine, and I hope that maybe it might take 1st. (it didn't)  Roger's Aunt Shanna can take ordinary snap shots and transfer them onto material.  So I'm getting a picture of the temple and putting it on the lid, and then I'll write "Families are Forever" across it.  Then I'm putting pictures of Roger's family, my family, & Ambure  and Amanda and me and Rog's wedding picture around the sides.  I hope it'll look nice.  I'm also starting to let my fingernails grow long again.  Heck it's been almost a year!!  Mandy's got a doctor's appointment on the 10th for her 6 month checkup.  She's doing really well, but she doesn't nurse all that much anymore, so I'll have to ask Dr. Gardner about her feedings.  I suppose I'll be starting her on meats pretty soon also.  She is growing so fast .  I bet she's almost 15 pounds and 25 inches now.  Maybe not?  I've got Tacos in the warmer for Roger when he gets home.  I wish he'd hurry!  Mark came over tonight and watched TV with Manda and me.  Mom and Dad went to the temple. Erika and Tonya were down at Whimpeys.  Well, maybe I'll plug in a Paul Dunn tape and try to go to sleep.

October 3, 1980

Boy it's 12:28 a.m. and I'm dead tired!  I was hoping Roger would get home before now, but I'm too tired to wait up any longer.  Tonight I worked on my Quiet Book, and it's coming along really good.  I went over to mom's for supper, and then I came home and did 3 loads of wash and fixed Roger some hamburger soup.  It's in the crock pot now.  Mandy is such a sweetheart.  I love her so much!  She's getting bigger and more grown up everyday.  I've really been keeping up my exercises good!  My fingernails are getting long also.  Looslis got home yesterday from Portland. They had a fun time, and on November 7th they're taking off for Mexico.  I've been invited to join the Morgan Valley Chapter of the Utah Homemakers Association.  Linda McClellan is president, and I'm pretty excited.  I'd like to write more but I'm beat.

October 13, 1980

I haven't been writing lately because I've usually waited up for Roger and then I forget.  This past week I've been working on my Quiet Book for the ward Bazaar. I got it all done and it's pretty cute.  Normally I'd want to keep it, but I repaired 2 books that mom had, and that will do.  Well I've been on my diet for almost a month and I've lost 11 pounds.  I'm down to 130 pounds.  Only 5 more to go until Roger will quit smoking!! HURRAH!!  I've done my exercises faithfully for 2 1/2 weeks.  I can't remember when I ate my last dessert, it's been so long. Mandy has been acting very strange these past 2 weeks.  She's been waking up 2 or 3 times a night, and has about 10 bowel movements a day.   I switched her off meats, and her mixed cereal, and I'm making sure she eats 3 good meals a day. She slept pretty good last night.  I hope tonight is as good.  If she doesn't improve in a week, then I'm putting her on the bottle, because I'm afraid that my dieting has ruined the quality of my milk.  I took Mandy to the doctor Friday and she got her 3rd and last shot for awhile.  Amanda weighed 14 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 25 inches long.  Since she's been born she has gained an average of 2 pounds and 1 inch a month or every 2 months.  Here is a record:
Birth 6lbs 8oz.
1 mo 8lbs 10 oz
2 mo 10lbs 4 oz
4mo  12lbs 14oz
6mo  14lbs 12oz
She is such a good-natured baby we love her so much!!  Lynette and Randy had Sommer blessed yesterday.  I went down and watched, then we went to the Sizzler and ate after.  Roger went to work.  It's 10:30 and he isn't home yet.  I hope he's alright.  It's suppose to snow at the 5000 foot level tonight

October 15, 1980

Well, I'm pretty proud of myself.  For the past 3 nights, I've read the Book of Mormon faithfully.  If I keep in mind that I'm only reading 2 pages a night, I usually end up reading more, but at least the thought of it isn't so bad.  I'm beat.  It's 10:35 p.m. and Rog isn't home yet.  It's rained and snowed on and off all day long.

October 16, 1980

It's 10:00 p.m. and I'm not too tired, and I thought I'd sit down and write.  Roger is still at work, and for the last 4 hours I've been making Hamwiches.  It is Janie Whimpey's recipe.  They look like crescent rolls with pressed ham inside.  The dough is seasoned.  They're for Roger to take deer hunting.  He's going up tomorrow night, and will stay Saturday night also.  He'll be coming home Sunday for work.  I'm kinda nervous to stay alone, but I guess I will anyway.  Today I found out that I've been accepted to work at I.R.S.  I'm happy, but I don't want to leave Mandy.  I'm sticking to my weight of 130 pounds, but I can't seem to get any lower.  It's getting kind of depressing. I guess I better end and do my exercises.  I've been very faithful with them.  Everynight for 3 weeks.

October 24, 1980

Roger still isn't home from work yet,  and it's 10:40 p.m. and tomorrow he's going hunting again with Bruce and Linda up Sheep Canyon.  Roger got a deer last weekend (a spike).  He tagged it with my tag.  So he's using his tag this time.  Amanda has been sick again. these last few days.  She threw up really bad Tuesday night, (I figured out later, that it was honey that made her sick. You aren't supposed to give honey to a baby under 2-years old) and she's getting over it slow but sure.  I really think I'm losing my milk for sure this time.  Mandy's sleeping really rotten at nights, and I wish I could tell whether she's spoiled or hungry.  I'm going pray about it tonight and see if that will help.  Well I'm down to 126 pounds.  I'm really excited.  I just hope Roger sticks to his end of the bargain.  I'd really love to get down to 115 maybe by Christmas.  I'm doing my exercises very regular every night and it only takes about 10 min.  I'm watching the news and I'm just reminded that the American hostages that have been held in Iran for almost a year, are finally suppose to be released this Sunday and Monday.  This is partially due to the war between Iraq and Iran.  Vivian Mellott and I went visiting teaching today. We caught Suzanne Carrigan, Evelyn Palmer, and Chris Carrigan home.  Well the elections are coming up on November 4th.  I'm still not sure who I want for President of the United States.  Ronald Reagan, or Jimmy Carter.  Amanda is such a little sweetheart, I love her so much!!  I sure wish she wasn't sick.  I hate to see her so onry.  She is usually so good.

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