Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Our Family is BUSY BUSY


Cash has started Pre-School (2 hours, once a week, with Mom)

Click here to see where. 
This girl is so busy and working hard to finalize everything for the wedding celebration that's coming up in LESS than a month !! 
Oh Bex...........  Such a cutie.
They all went to the football kick-off dinner last Thursday night. 
Pays with his cousin

Me and Bentley :) 
Tagg and his friends won the Bucket Brigade at the fair once again this year !!

Treyson is working for Fairway Glass now - he seems to be enjoying it, and learning alot. 
First Football game this Friday night ! 
Zac and Thatcher hiked Adams Canyon, and went to Lagoon the other day. 
Sunday night, CJ, Thatcher and Tagg slept out on the trampoline to catch the Persaides Meator shower, but were WOW !! ed, by the beautiful northern lights instead. 
They got rained on at 4:30, with a BIG rainstorm (finally  - we got some substantial rain !! )  

Monday, August 12, 2024

A work in Progress

Removed the dog wash, and plan to push the washer and dryer BACK.......


Into the space where Zac is (in this picture above)

A new dog wash will be set up in the other area.
Stay tuned for more pics. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Our Life Lately

Mom and I have been going to the temple every other Tuesday morning
Got to visit with my friend Stacy at her new job. 
We are in the process of eliminating those DANG VOLES in our lawn. 
Old Man and Wrinkly old Woman 
Honey do,,,,,,,ssssss
Re-did some chairs (Paint and new fabric) 
Watching a storm roll in, and roll on by.......very little rain.
We haven't gotten much rain this summer - it's a bummer. 
Plenty of wind though, puts down branches that get caught in the Welch Ditch Dam, which Roger cleans out multiple times a week. 
Even blew so hard one night we were without power for about 4 hours (6 to 10 pm) 
Can you guess which kid gave us this candle? haha
Early morning watering of garden has been so nice and cool. 
Peas are gone.  I'm so proud that we have been able to keep the weeds down, especially in the bottom of the garden where we didn't plant anything. 
Got the electric fence up to keep the raccoons out of the corn. 
Cleaned out Mom's light fixture which were riddled with wasp nests.
Removed her cement edging and sold it, and when the flowers die, we are going to put down bark, and get the three barrels from the Property, and redo her flower bed.

Also, took out the flowers and bushes under the bedroom window, so the sprinklers would get the dry spot on the lawn hopefully. 
Our one lone sunflower that came up from seed (volunteer) - it's ahead of the others I planted for sure.  I think it's about 10-12 feet tall. 


Another project at Zac and CJ's.  I can't tell you how many revisions this room has had over the course of the years.  I could do an entire blog post just on this one room !  
Cupboards taken down, wall removed, dog wash station removed. 
Going to remove the wall behind the washer and dryer, so that they can be pushed back against the outside wall.  Also, another wall will be built against the side of the desk (see in bottom right photo) and another dog wash installed on the outside wall. 
Football practice in full swing for both Tagg and Thatcher. Hope for a great year with lots of playing time.  Fingers crossed.  

Friday, August 9, 2024

Party at the Property and Pool - July 28th

Everyone got to meet Erika's new baby grandson, Eli :)
After eating at the Property, we headed to Zac and CJ's pool 

 Click here for short video 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Happy Birthday Mom (and a belated one to my Dad also)

Mom is 87 years old today, and Dad had his birthday (also 87) 10 days ago.


When we are this young..........
It is hard to believe we will ever grow old

But it happens.......
I'm so grateful for the Plan of Salvation, and my Savior, Jesus Christ who had made it possible that we will all live again after we die, and that we can be together forever as a family. 

Click here to see them in action :) 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Arizona Happenings

Cash gets to go to fun places like "Giggles" 
and the Aquarium.....
Chick-filet :) 
Getting fitted for his little suit for the wedding celebration :) 
Josiah got a "new" truck - a Tundra I believe.
He's a happy man ! 
Helping cook dinner :) 


Manda and Bren and Cash took a small trip up north (80 miles) into the mountains near Payson, AZ.  
They had a great time :) 
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