Sunday, October 21, 2018

Our life lately

Back in August, Landon and Kacey and kiddos stayed in the Uintas for a couple of days with friends
Also went to Jackson Hole with the Brooks Family
We got ONE BIG rainstorm this summer - boy it was a doozy.
My new computer set up
I had more cucumbers to eat this summer, than I have ever eaten in my life (NO LIE)
We took this old dresser in for a make over
Weirdest thing.  Found this hawk? eagle? leg, and other body parts on the ground outside Grandpa D's shop.
Something....... Bigger hawk? Eagle? Owls? had made a meal of it !!
Sat up on the Jackson Fork and had dinner !!

Payson started 1st Grade
Tonks Family Reunion
Colton and Treyson
Brightyn started Preschool

Grandma Carol had this to say about Payson
Cam's 1st day as a Freshman
We just got her first quarter report card

Landon and family went to many Raptors games
When they were behind............Pays would get really down :(
Landon would have to PEP TALK HIM UP

Cam and Sasso
New STYLIN' Sunglasses
During a work trip to Texas, Lando was able to see THE BIG GUY - Elder Herdt (Travis)
They haven't seen each other in person for about 9 years !
Cam and her friends all dressed up for Homecoming Dance
Cutting down the corn for the goats
Our dresser redone
(scroll back up to see the before pic - I'm too lazy to rearrange pics)
See the nice corn stalk decorations on my poles?
What you don't?
That would be because #*$*%*^(* Bandit tore them up within an hour after I put them up.
D#*%( dog
One day we went down to the Property, and Tagg was down there all by himself, trying to build a turtle house.  Bless his heart.  I can remember trying to do a dog house all by myself when I was a kid too........  Made me sad.
As adults, we all know how it is now......... there is/was no way they were going to be getting a turtle, and it was a pretty safe bet to say "if you build a house for it"..........when kids can't get it done.  Just one of the things that kids go through I guess. 
Two silly boys and a PRINCESS in the barnyard feeding goats.
We've only the 3 mama goats now - all others are GONE !
I don't know if we'll breed them this year or not.
Rog started up a Yard Care business.
Bexlee and Grandpa (with Lola)

Cam and cousin Sara
Brightyn - fun time at PRESCHOOL
MY messy desk at work - we are getting a new computer program, and it's killing me !
Thatcher hurt his ankle (tendons/ligaments) at gymnastics.
He has to wear a boot

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