Monday, February 4, 2019

Our Life Lately.........

Yesterday, February 3, 2019, Treyson was ordained a Teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood.  He is only 13, but under the new guidelines from our Prophet, he is eligible to become a Teacher (because he will turn 14 this year).  President John Porter ordained him, and Zac, and Grandpa Jim Wilkerson, and Bishop Fawson, and Mark Wall, and a couple of others stood in the circle.  It was a beautiful blessing, and Treyson was acknowledged for his goodness, and kind heart, and was blessed to be a good influence to his brothers, and to his family.  
100 Day of school (last week), and Payson dressed up as Grandpa Joe !!  
Love these two cuties - they are the best of friends.
Brightyn is such a good big sister.  Landon reports that she was asked to be on the Northern Star Bounders Competition team for tumbling in her age group.  She is now going to class 2 days a week.  We can hardly wait to go and see her compete/perform.  
Love how our basement furnace room, has such great storage.  Can't believe every thing is done.  From a year ago, what a difference.  We've cleaned out, and done the PURGE......... Totally redone the upstairs, totally upgraded the downstairs........  It's been about a year.  This time last year we were helping Zac with Kenzie and Blakeley's new home.  Who knew it would take a year to get where we are now !!??!!
Happy Birthday from Amanda and crew (to me...........did I mention I had a birthday?)
Someone lost a tooth !
Someone else went tubing up near Park City (I think) with some friends.
That's Treyson there on the far left. 
We had a great night at Relief Society (extra meeting) - Learned about de-cluttering our homes, learned about gluten free foods, and learned how to frost sugar cookies like PROS !  It was a great fun night. 
Zac and CJ got new bar stools - they were a pain to put together (ask Rog ;) - and he only did one and helped with another !
Early morning at the Ogden Temple with
Jody, Vicki, Georgia, Lori, LuAnn, and ME
Crazy Cat Ladies.......
I mean ONE CRAZY CAT LADY (sorry Shirl)
New Saw - New Table
Finally getting this WOODSHOP put together. 
Built Kennel Boxes for the Dog Room
Look at those air holes........they are PAWS !?!?!
What ever CJ needs, Zac can make it happen. 
Payson has been working on baseball indoors.  He loves it (of course)
Thatch and Digger
He is the CUTEST little Malemute? Husky?
Just over for a visit.  He's seriously the most beautiful little dog I've ever seen. 
Who's that SCOREKEEPER??
Why that's Camryn  :)
Manda said the other team's coach questioned her on the score, and they went back over it, and of course..........wait for it..............SHE WAS RIGHT  (did we even doubt it?!?!)
She's giving them the breakdown of the score.
Manda was in the stands taking pictures.  It was the last match of the season.
I think I see a bit of JUTTED CHIN there (HAHA) - she takes after the females of the family (HAHA)
And last but certainly not least.
Beautiful Miss Bexlee and her FIRST PONY TAIL
She will be ONE before you know it (just another month)

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